Thanks! I went to a Malinois & multi-breed forum and the general consensus is GS-Husky mix. I didn't realize H girls could be so small. Thanks, all for all the great feedback!
Kate & Giselle
Thanks! I went to a Malinois & multi-breed forum and the general consensus is GS-Husky mix. I didn't realize H girls could be so small. Thanks, all for all the great feedback!
Kate & Giselle
Well, G has no double coat, but I do see the similarities with both the Malinois and the Husky looks. The part of the husky description that sounds the most like G is: "This is a high energy dog, especially when young. Good with children and friendly with strangers, they are not watchdogs, for they bark little and love everyone." But I don't think Huskies are as smart or trainable as G. the B description, however, is G to a T: "The Basenji is a dog requiring commitment of an owner. It's alert, very intelligent and independent. This short-haired dog has no bark but is able to produce plenty of other sounds that may make the owner (and neighbors) wish it did bark. Easily bored they will find their own entertainment to the owners displeasure. Not unlike a goat they will eat and chow on just about anything. They love freedom and the "hunt" and should not be left off leash unless securely confined in a fenced yard or enclosure. Plenty of exercise. Basenjis love to be a part of the family. They can get along with other dogs and cats (keep a close eye on them until they adjust). Don't, however, intend to raise rabbits or other small mammals that may rekindle their hunting instincts." Too, too true! I'm well aware to the rabbit issue, and as for the goat comparison, I came home today to a destroyed cardboard box (not a problem) and chewed window sills. Well, who put those window sills right at her level anyway?
Thanks for all your help!
Are either the Malinois or Husky only 35 lbs? I'll look at the breed descriptions. Thanks!
Thanks, Snorky998! Maybe the reason G only weighs around 35 lbs is the Basenji part of her. Can't help it if the rest looks shepherdy. :)
As for the ball-chasing, 1st, the tennis ball is the thing she loves the most in the world. 2nd, I don't let her have a tennis ball any time but when we're fetching, so it stays really, really special. 3rd, over time she has come to understand that the second ball does not get thrown until she's dropped the first ball at my feet. She is, of course, brilliant, so she gits it, but she's also brilliant, so she tests all the time. She'll drop it a foot away, and look at me. I'll shake my head and she'll bring it closer. But as long as I pay attention and only launch when the first ball is dropped correctly, she knows how it works. If she didn't adore the ball, it wouldn't work. There's got to be something in it for her. Frisbee? Fuhgeddaboudit. But the ball is her obsession. And thank goodness we've worked out this system, b/c I'd never be able to give her the daily exercise she needs without it. She's wound tight before, and sacks out afterward. I love it!
I thought she'd be good at lure coursing, but figured she'd be THAT dog who cuts across the field b/c she's figured out which way the bag is going to go.
She wants to chase cats, squirrels, etc., and when we lived with a fenced yard, she chased (and once caught) rabbits. She lives to run after the tennis ball. Yesterday we had our first snow and she couldn't find the tennis ball once it was covered by a thin coat of snow, so I figured the sniffer wasn't working as well as the eyesight. Normally, she runs after the tennis ball over and over and over and over …. She'd never stop, if she had her way.
I also just investigated miniature GS further, and I guess it doesn't exist. More confusion.
And once I called her a shrimp GS I thought I'd Google and see if there even existed such a thing as a miniature GS - and there is! I had no idea. But I thought the personality was B, for sure. I'm so confuuuused! She doesn't shed much, is extremely prey driven, definitely a sight hound, has a variety of vocalizations. But you're right - if the worried look isn't dispositive, she really does look more shepherdy. I don't know. I appreciate the feedback and help figuring this out.
You requested some more photos to help solve the mystery. There's one of her standing in my original post, and here are 2 more. Guess she doesn't really have the stance of the B, does she?
Really? GS? I thought for sure Basenji mix. She's as big as she's going to get at 35lbs, has the furrowed brows and pointed ears. Tail doesn't curl tightly, but the tip curls over to touch the back. She seldom barks, doesn't smell like a dog or shed much, and is the smartest dang dog I've ever met. When I met her in June, the vet estimated her age at 6 mo b/c she had her adult teeth but had not yet gone into heat. So the furrowed brow doesn't say Basenji? She's so small I didn't think shepherd mix made any sense - but I thought Basenji did. Maybe I haven't been picking up the right info by looking at pictures and reading the descriptions. What are your observations? Thanks!
I believe I have a Basenji mix, but she's SO Basenji, I can't imagine what she might be mixed with! I've attached 2 photos. Interested to hear your opinions. Personality seems to be 100% B. I fostered other breeds and someone knew that and told me about a "German Shepherd puppy" that had been dumped on their property. That was 6 months ago, and there's no way I could ever let her go. Your forum's been very helpful. Glad you're here!
Giselle's mom