I actually got my first B, Stella, fell in love with the breed and then we rescued Buster from BRAT, and their coats are totally different. Although they both have the markings of a B and neither bark (although Buster is quite vocal), the difference in the texture of their fur is different and Buster is a little bit bigger then the average B. Who knows….but they're great!
Is it a Basenji??? -
Anyone in Connecticut?I am on the shoreline, near New Haven. Since my last post (oh so very long ago), I had one B, and now I am the proud owner of two. We rescued Buster last year. He can be a bit grumpy at times, but knows how to enjoy a good romp!
Dominant Male against humansThank you so much for your help! I was talking to my husband about Buster. He and I are working on some of the things that you all have suggested (i.e. not letting him on the bed, making him sit before doing anything). What is nice is that prior to this event, I always talked to Buster before doing anything, so we aren't changing everything in his routine.
Play Biting is getting out of control any ideas?I said this to someone else who said that their B pup was being aggressive toward her young daughter. But this seemed to work with Stella when she was little. She would get soo excited during play, that even if I yelped she would stop for a second, but then come back after my feet, ankle, pant leg - what ever she could get her mouth on. So to help her calm down a little, I would hold her down to help her relax. Once she was relaxed she could get up and go about her business. We never her told her no, just yelped, and if she didn't stop, we would restrict her movement.
Snapping puppyWhen Stella was a pup, she would get quite mouthy and pushy, so we would restrain her movement (hold her to the floor) until she relaxed and calmed down. She would only get a little aggressive, but we both thought that it was just crazy puppy behavior. We have found that the restraint was enough to show her that she is not in charge, and she needs to do as we say.
Dominant Male against humansThank you. We've tried the pushing off the bed too. And you're right, he just keeps coming back up. For a while, he would wait till we were asleep, and then come up (we would find him on the bed in the morning ).
We're in Branford.
Dry Skin?Stella has very short hair, and she is flaky a lot (in more ways than one!!) Do you need a prescription for the omega3 or fish oil? Or can you just the human equivalent at cvs?
Roo is 1 year old tomorrow and…...I have a rescue male, who was being used as a stud dog. He was neutered two weeks before I got him. He was aggressive towards other dogs when I first got him, but he has settled down a lot since then - although he still "has to" mark his territory.
Shedding in January?Stella is shedding too - but she has this short short hair!! It's almost prickly! I'm afraid if she sheds too much she'll be bald!! Buster has longer hair - I started brushing him with a shedding comb (?) and so much hair was coming out!!! Quick on the subject - any hints in bathing them without having them scratch up your legs?
Anyone in Connecticut?Anyone in Connecticut interested in getting together for a little Basenji picnic? Games, treats, running? They should sleep for days after!! ;)
SighhoundsStella too! You'd think she had spent all day running as a messenger dog, in and out of busy traffic. When in reality, she probably napped all day on my bed!! :p
Dominant Male against humansI am concerned. We have two basenjis. The female, Stella, was a pet store dog who just turned 1 in late November. The male, Buster, we rescued through BRAT back in October. Buster has always had some separation issues, wherein he would try to grab our leg or arm (what ever was closest) to either keep us from leaving or from leaving him behind. We understood why, and have been working with him on that and he has made some improvement. Recently, he was sleeping in our bed (which is normal) and I went to push him over to make room (which has never been a problem), and he growled and bit me (pretty hard I might say). Luckily enough I had a sweatshirt on and he did not break the skin, but he left a large bruise on my arm. I don't want to return him to BRAT, he is usually such a sweetheart! Any suggestions with what to do about this?