"It feels kind of funny walking around a bunch of trucks apparently just hanging out. I've gotten used to thinking about someone besides myself and maybe that's what I miss."
Aint that the truth.
"It feels kind of funny walking around a bunch of trucks apparently just hanging out. I've gotten used to thinking about someone besides myself and maybe that's what I miss."
Aint that the truth.
See… now you have "two" children to raise... only difference is one has four legs...gggg and the four legged one never "grows" up.... Basenjis think they are Peter Pan for life!!!!
Peter Pan for life , that is soooooooo true. Who wants to grow up anyway? What a geat thread, makes my life a little easier to put up with. I will smile for hours over this…....Thanks :D
I actually have bilateral vestibulopathy which basically means my inner ear balance mechanism does not work in either ear. This leaves me with poor balance especially at night and a thing called oscillopsia which is a bouncing of my vision when my head is moving. There are many causes for this problem some of which get better and the problem goes away and others like mine which is perminant. The body does adjust after a while but never back to normal. It takes time to recover if possible or adapt if required so do not give up on them. I still do plenty of things once i learnt how to cope.
Such great photo's. I really love the last one, so peaceful.
Wow….....look at all those reds. It is like floating on a cloud of basenji's. I wish I had a cloud as well :(
Must be some sort of bed you have to fit all of those in and you :D
Wow, what beautiful kids. Great action photo's. I feel worn out just looking at them. What beautiful eyes.
I want to know how some of you manage to have "picky eaters." My Basenji would eat anything she even assumed to be food. We have to really monitor how much she eats too, because she would never stop!
I agree, my girl would eat anything. She kept eating the leather collars that belonged to my Jack Russell…...while he was wearing it. :eek: I was always afraid to come home and find his back legs poking out of her mouth. :rolleyes:
She would eat rubber balls and then for the next couple of days I would be picking up rubber dog poo.
I am going to have to break this name to Sir Les gently :D
Go B puppies :)
Beautiful Plumage….......... :D
Ramsey….the pommie git. Can't you find some Aussie git instead :p
Let's see what the little monster looks like first, I mean well he may look like Sir Les with all them good manners and looks. :cool:
Seriously good luck and I hope everything works out for you. I cry every time I look at my girl's puppie photo's where she is sitting in the palm of my hand. B puppies are the best. :D
Yes I did meet Davina. I spent a few hours with her and her "kids". They are all great dogs who took it in turns to make themselves comfortable on me while I talked to her. :rolleyes: She had not set her breeding program then and by the time the puppies had arrived I had some changes in my life that has caused me to put on hold getting a puppie. It is only a temporary thing though, I do miss having a B in my life. :)
WHO put that poor dog in a tea cosie?
You do realise that other dogs will see this photo and then at puppie school they will all tease him. Bet he makes a lovely cup of tea though. :D
Well thanks guys for all the info…
snorky998, after reading your post, Im beginning to like the name Grub now :p:p:p
agilebasenji, how sad to call your own child that name... I cant deal with the name for a dog, I certainly couldnt deal with that name for my child :eek:...
The rest of you are absolutely NO help at all !!! All I can say, is thank Dog Mr Saba doesnt read the B Forum, or Id lose out entirely :D...
I have just found out that his registered name will be.....................Wait for it........................Lanbart Drinks Swears N Lies, so….............................looks like we have a name for him now..........Can anyone guess what it might be ????????????????????????????????????????? Its really obvious, I think...............................................
I don't know Saba, drinks swears n lies. Sounds like 99% of the population in Australia :D How about Sir Les Patterson :p
Congratulations Adam and welcome to the forum. Tenji is a great name and snoring is what you will have to get use to :rolleyes:
You are now owned by a basenji….......let the adventure begin :D
You can always tell the B girls, they do not have to be told they are good….....they just know it. Especially the tri's :D
The last pic.
" I knew it, that curly thing has followed me here ......again."
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH :eek: Posts like this should come with a BIG puppie picture warning. :D: :D :D
Why are they sooooooo cute, especially the tri's?
Now I just sound gay :o
I should go now :cool:
Maya looks like she has a mask on and I swear she looks like Zorro out of the mask of Zorro. Is she any good with a sword and where is her cape? :cool:
We also have to understand that we don't even go these lengths within our own species (at least the majority of parents). Lots of people have children even though they are aware of "genetic defects", yet they still find a way to love them. You have to find a balance between perfection and enjoyment. Obviously Fanconi is a big concern, I will not downplay that, but other things that are not life threatening can be managed. We do it with ourselves (no one here is perfectly healthy) and find a way to live our lives.
What a very interesting analogy between humans and our beloved Basenji's.
Many of us here love our dogs at least as much as others love their human children. The extent to which we go to protect and love our pets would appear to know no bounds in many cases. We fight for their health and admonish others to do the same with a great passion as can be seen on many of the forum topics such as this one. A pure breed basenji with all bad traits carefully and selectively removed. It is for the greater good, to keep the line pure without defect.
Now lets flip this to the human side.
A little man called Adolf Hitler also had a passion for a pure Aryan race. Breeding for blue eyed blond haired white boys and girls. In practice this would most likely produce a superior human in many physical respects. Not allowing inferior races with genetic defects to breed or interbreed would insure the survival and dominance of this race. Imagine how fit and healthy this race would be. No heart conditions to shorten their lives in fact no conditions at all just healthy long living humans.
So what was so wrong about this seemingly logical goal that the rest of the world came to war and millions died. The problem was???well the rest of the world. You may have noticed the we are mostly NOT of the Aryan race. Sucks to be us in an Aryan world.
What is my point??.well I do not have a point really just an interesting observation. I love the B?s and testing for diseases and defects is a must but who draws the line at where we stop. I only like the reds so all others should be banned (not really).Who says we are cruel to extend the life of our dogs if they are badly injured or sick and in pain yet these same people say a human in the same position must not have the choice but must suffer to the last. The world is made up of lines and everyone must make their own decision where that line is drawn. The problems occur when your line crosses mine or the other way around. It is not where the line is drawn that causes the problem but how we react to that line which is not where we would like to see it.
Looks like a winner to me….....where do I vote? :)
I do not post very much but I MUST say that she is the most beautiful tri that I have ever seen. What a great girl to have in your life. I always look foward to your photo's. Thank you very much. :)