My Basenji and best friend Doc and I would love to welcome a puppy. Doc is 12 and was just diagnosed with diabetes but I’m planning on him being around quite a while longer. A Basenji pup would be loved by the both of us. Please advise of your location if serious. Thanks and good luck
Basenji puppy for adoption (Spain) -
Marvin... Basenji?I have absolutely no doubts he is part basenji. Beautiful dog. Enjoy him.
Thinking of getting a Basenji but i have a few questions!Vanessa, I hate to be discouraging but along with the the Basenji’s light shedding and dander is a more significant issue. Basenjis are NOT a good FIRST DOG. They are very unique in the canine world and come with unique and sometimes difficult characteristics that might easily overwhelm an inexperienced owner. I myself was raised with numerous dogs and for a time was a dolphin, sea lion and penguin trainer. All of that experience and training were required (and sometimes fell short) when I got a Basenji. I had never experienced a dog, or any animal for that matter, with such complex characteristics and it took nearly 18 sometimes difficult months for “Doc” and I to come to an understanding of each other fully. That being said, I will now never own another breed. It is impossible for me to go back.
Start with an easy dog that wants nothing more than to please and love you. Get to know and understand life with a dog and the commitment it requires. Then, when you feel you’re ready for something more challenging and fascinating, get the last breed of dog you will ever own...
Good luck to you and I hope you find your dog. -
Hunting with BasenjiBasenjis are THE ORIGINAL HUNTERS and nearly every “hunting” breed exists because of them. I think the other hunters are just jealous that you don’t need a gun. Lol
Basenji alone in large pen in garage?Good luck with the pen. Also try leaving your dog problems to solve. Often when I’m leaving for a long period of time I will leave Doc taped-up cardboard boxes or tubes with frozen treats trapped inside and sometimes just an empty beer carton for him to destroy. Sure there’s a little mess upon my return but he never chews on my things.
How Would You Describe Your Dogs Personality?A cat wearing a dog suit.
Is a small studio apartment good for a Basenji?It’s not the size of the apartment, it’s the nature of the animal. Basenjis are “ancients” with combination site/scent hound DNA going back thousands of years. If you leave a Basenji alone for that period of time he will expel his energy by destroying your home, regardless of size. The best way to have a great relationship with your dog is to be completely honest with yourself about the level of commitment you are realistically willing to make then choose the breed accordingly or not at all. I waited years before I was in the right place, with the right job and the right frame of mind to own a Basenji. Make a choice that’s fair to both you and the animal and you will never have regrets regardless of the breed. Good luck to you.
Which dog fits me best?There is no other dog like a Basenji. Nearly every breed from poodles to pit bulls have retained approximately 8% of wolf genetics. Being an “Ancient” and the “daddy” of most Of today’s domesticated breeds, the Basenji retains approximately 24% of the Wolves genetics. A recent study also determined that of all breeds the Basenji has one of the largest “play drives” (You will find this out quickly) which was key and essential to the domestication of all dogs. The Basenji is truly unique genetically and in in temperament. This dog responds quickly to kindness and a soft touch, NOT yelling and physicality. YOU WILL NOT WIN A BATTLE OF WILLS. Adapt & overcome. LOL, This info will come in handy for the next couple of years. Congratulations, amazing animals.
Rescue dog prey drive!The Basenji is not a typical dog. It is an ancient that survived the Congo through genetic change and a fierce sight/scent combo hunting ability. Unlike most “hound” breeds once the basenji’s prey drive kicks in full force there is very little that can be done to break it. The more you learn about the breed and it’s origins the more you can understand the dog’s perspective. The most helpful advice I received after getting my first Basenji eleven years ago was, “Don’t think of a Basenji as a dog.. think of it as a cat in a dog suit and act accordingly. Good luck, they are worth it. I will never own another breed of dog now but a Basenji. It is truly a unique animal relationship.
Unidentified Chronic/Progressive Skin conditionThank everyone so much for their responses. There have been numerous tests only revealing, gratefully, that it is not cancerous. Yes, the vet has referred me to a dermatologic specialist but in this difficult time, its on the edge of my budget. Don't feel too bad for him. He's happy, well exercised and shares nearly every moment of life with me. I rescued my favorite being on earth besides my daughter about nine years ago and although a former Dolphin, Sea Lion and Penguin trainer, I had know idea of the uniqueness of the breed. I will never be able to have a different type of dog. The basenji known as "Dr. Raul J. Gonzo" or "Doc" has lived with this irritant for the past three years and oddly enough pays little attention to it (No biting or licking) and it's not about appearance, he could be completely bald and wrinkled and still be my best friend. It's only recently that the condition has progressed and I don't want it taking him over. I am doing what I can to procure the funds for a Vet Derma visit, just thought maybe someone on this Basenji specific forum might have had a similar experience. Again, Doc and I thank everyone for their assistance and expertise. Hoping to have it figured out soon.
"Doc" -
Unidentified Chronic/Progressive Skin conditionMy 10/11 year old (rescue) has had a chronic and progressive skin condition for years and numerous vet visits have yet to lead to a diagnosis. This condition is (mostly) confined to his underbelly and arm pits but now has been progressing down his legs. It is characterized by raised dry bumps with tiny nodules of skin protruding from them. I have had skin punches, blood tests, etc. and still have no diagnosis. Has any other Basenji owner had a similar experience?