a spray bottle filled with listerine will work like the vicks too. It also makes your house smell fresh.
Carpet Chewing -
Heart of the Savannah and August Magic by Veronica Anne StarbuckI got ziggee thru brat and he came with august magic, i let my nephew borrow it. I didn't know about the other one, now I will check it out see if my library still has one.
Separation anxietymy first basenji was a handful. destructive, chewer, crazy than crazy things I would come home to tore up. a few tricks that worked for him, was a spraybottle filled with listerine, they dont like the smell, and spray it where you don't want him to chew. and it makes your house smell fresh…lol and another one was mouse traps. I would line my kitchen counters with them and furniture, and it stings when it snaps but not to hurt him, Till the day that boy died, I had them mousetraps, after a while I didn't have to set them anymore but once they were removed he would go back and tear it up. Just the sight of them kept him away. People would come over see them traps all over my house and ask if I had mice.... nope just a crazy basenji. I know if you can crate train him, that would be the best, my first basenji it was impossible. He would buck until the screws were stripped, I would put a guinea pig bottle in so he would have water while i was at work, he would manuever his jaw and alway put a hole in it. I gave in and he had some of the house to run, the livingroom and kitchen. and with the mousetraps and listerine nothing more got destroyed.
Hello everyone,yep last time it looked like that…. Ziggee was angry... beyond words to describe, but after a minute, he focused again on me, and came back to his loving self, thank god.
Hello everyone,well, if you have the time to be so accurate to spray right in their face and nose… have at it...lol I will take my chance and get bit, my hands and legs work pretty quickly to block a shot to the other dog. The water thing didn't work for me, and as I said, 5 gallons got dumped on both of them, in my case I had a tile floor, and it just made it harder to get a grip now with out slipping on all that water... that was really dumb on my part...lol
Hello everyone,Yes, I think that 'dog biting person' does get that reaction but people often say it because they don't understand that it can be purely accidental and incidental when stopping a fight.
The same thing can happen and has happened to me when a dog is in pain because they have got limbs etc trapped and attack the person who is trying to release them. When it happened to me and I had to go to hospital to get stitched I wouldn't admit that it was a dog bite as in the present climate in the UKthe incident may get reported and have serious consequences for the dog.
It sounds as though your success is a combination of the doggie shrink's advice and your ability to learn from what you were advised.Yes unfortunately here in NY also, a dog bite must be reported even under the circumstances and it was my own. One of the times, they hit a tendon and I needed to seek help for myself… but just the fact that watching these 2 animals I love dearly, rip at each other, I had to seriously learn the advice of our behaviorist. Some of the training was hard and tedious... but I was committed to 15minutes 3times a day. I had to become the pack leader, We don't follow all the rules, the one about not on the furniture, and no sleeping in bed.... they mostly lay on thier doggie beds anyways, but if I am on the sofa watching tv, I more than love the cuddling of my two basenjis.
Separation anxietyalso try a few 5-10 minutes leaves… leave your house, come back, don't make a fuss over him when you get in, and always return with a treat. This sometimes worked for ziggee, when there was other people there. When I would take him for a walk, is when I fussed over him. We would run, and play, and when we walked in, it was quiet time. He is very smart, he still does this, but really until I got Scarlett, the blood curdling screaming never did actually stop.
Hello everyone,as I said, everyone I know said I should get rid of one, and obviously that would have been Scarlett, she already had a history of almost being put to sleep. It was the point of both of them biting me, which people were concerned…you know... "don't bite the hand that feeds you" But I got bit by blocking shots at the other dog, not that they were attacking me. Yes, for the most part, we all get along, and those incidents were waaaaay outta control. Its funny, when my dad "babysits" just one of them while the healing processes is going on, each one is looking for the other. whimper and running about.... they do need each other too.
Hello everyone,holy cow!!!! The last time they had the death grip on each other.Each had a good chunk of neck, I have had ziggee since he was young and we have a bond. Scarlett was 3 when I got her, sooo I just went in there grabbed them and told ziggee to drop, oh he wasn't happy, both were livid and hell yeah my arms and hands got totally nailed. But I seperated them, Got scarlett in her crate, Ziggee was a bloody mess, she tore his ear. He got a few hits in and her front leg by the elbow, was a huge tore open wound. After the incident, they were both shaking and wounded, I am not sure if the 'retraining' with what I learned from the doggie shrink has helped or that incident really hit them both beyond where they wanted to go. But that was a huge expense, and nothing since then. I am going to look into pet insurance. lol And thanks for that, it really means alot when I find someone who understands about the breed. Scarlett was put into the rescue because she bit a new handler when she was sent out on a show. She was either to be adopted out or put to sleep….. sheeeesh she was only 3. I never had any issues with her and other dogs or people. She is very friendly. Those incidents with Ziggee, well the territorial thing and I didn't have control, they didn't think of me as the pack leader.... Now they do, well they are basenjis, so they let me think I do...lol
Hello everyone,just like spoiled children they would get into tear apart fights over me, usually. If one is on my lap and the other wanted to join us, the growling and nipping would start. Ziggee is laid back, great personality, he let this go for sometime, until one day he just growled back and snapped, before I knew it, they were ripping each other up. I just got a water delivery and got one of those 5 gallon jugs and dumped it on them… this did not break them up.... I went in there and got nailed a few times but got them apart. My house was like pyscho, blood splatters everywhere. I took the worse one first to the vet... and the crates were a staple again... although ziggee would always bust out. I have had both together now about 5 years, and thru those 5 years about 4 serious fights until I found a doggie shrink that knew the breed. The last time, was about 1500bucks for x-rays and stitches.... they were both a mess. I had to find a way to stop this, because for the most part we all got along great. We went on rides together, camping, walks...everything. These fights were not often but brutal enough everyone told me to get rid of one... I got nailed plenty too. My doctor bills are cheaper, I would gladly take the hit for either one, just to seperate them and calm them down. But all has been well the past year... once the eyeing each other and growling across the room starts, we have time out. I have chains in oposite sides of the room, they each get hooked up to thier corners, and I leave. Whether to take a shower, or run to the store... but when I get back before I unhook them they get a treat. Then together they both get praised. When I feel they need to be in time out, in a firm voice I say, "necklaces now!!" and they both go to thier designated corner and wait to get hooked up. They dont cry while they are there, they learned the rules. This works for us.
Hi Everyone!Thanks for the warm welcome! Basenji slave… yes that sounds about right :) That's such a cute story about the creation of basenjis, I'll have to remember it!
I have a huge picture window in my living room that he likes to lay beside when the sun is shining in. The first week I had him, he was laying there while I was cleaning in another room. When I came back, he had stealthly snuck into the bathroom and took a whole pack of toilet paper back to the window and was happily shredding it. I have learned to keep bathroom and bedroom doors closed unless I can see what he is doing from another room.
Thanks for the Satin Balls idea, Basenjimama. I will definitely have to try it!
At the moment, we are battling separation anxiety, so I have my work cut out for me, but he's worth it.
I too, got my dogs thru rescue, Ziggee was a pup and the breeder put him there because he was not perfect to show. He came with "the basenji owners manual" you think this would have been clue number one, what other breed of dog comes with an owners manual guide??? Well, the preface of the book, was a letter written to the "new owner" from a female basenji. She told that story how basenjis were created story. I should print that letter here, it was accurate and cute about the breed. Ziggee also suffered from seperation anxiety. It was horrible, I finally got a female thru the same rescue and the same breeder. This worked, but it also caused rip apart fights. The female is the alpha of the breed, but Ziggee was with me longer, he felt he had squatters rights..lol. We ended up getting a doggie shrink, it turns out I needed the training. I had to establish my role as a pack leader. There were many "do's" and "don't" and for the most part we follow the rules, but some we break, like sleeping in bed with me…lol I will never put them in thier crates at night. They still walk all over me, but once the playing gets too angry, we have our time outs. they dont object to this and fighting has stopped. They listen to my commands and we all get along great. Your handsome guy, has got the look of ****iness, the look they are so famous for, being smarter than humans. Although I have only been a member a short time, this is a great place for help and just to tell about your crazy basenji antics.... goood luck and keep us posted.
Hello everyone,I had a basenji many years ago, so when I contacted B.R.A.T. the application alone is like a adopting a child…lol. But there were a few dogs there up for adoption, and another couple was there also looking to adopt. They were not very familiar with the breed and had children. Most people hear about the baseni as being barkless, and the catlike clean qualities, but along with that comes with "i'm smarter than you attitude" and they are a handful when first bringing one home. hahaha. But with guidelines from the first time they step thru your door, they are wonderful pets. I don't think I would ever own another breed. For me they are the perfect size, and you sure can't beat that crazy basenji personality.
Hi Everyone!congrats on the new member of your family. yep basenjis are curious, and even bratty… but they are a wonderful breed. you may have read the story about when God created all the animals he had a little piece of each one left over so he put all these pieces in one package and called it a Basenji. Welcome the life of being a basenji slave.
I'm a newbie too!i cant wait to see them…get some pictures up..hahaha
Hello everyone,thanks everyone for the warm welcome…. and being basenji slaves.... er I mean owners, we all know how the breed is. I think there was a bit of abuse in them before me, but not enough to do damage.... they are loving and fun. When I take them to the vet, I usually bring muzzles, just because of the history I was told, and I don't want any accidents. But I hold them close to me while getting examed and the vet always comments how calm they are. They just needed the right family...
Hello everyone,My name is Donna, I have 2 wonderful Basenjis, Ziggee and Scarlett…. We have had many issues thru the years, and everyone who is not a basenji owner suggests I get rid of one or both.... but we got ourselves a doggie shrink and all is happy in our world.
Seizures and passouts…thanks again, yes Ziggee did come with a "basenji's owners manual" and I have been looking up all the issues, I will check that link out thanks
Separation anxietyHoly cow, I had seperation anxiety with my male, Ziggee. I got him thru B.R.A.T. he was 9 months old. I would take him to work with me, I was living in AZ at the time, had a house with 3 other people living there. The house always had roommates and their friends. When I would go somewhere like the grocery store where he couldn't come with, he would throw his body around, screaming. From outside, it would sound like a 3-4 year old child getting his ass whooped. He would throw his body against the picture window in the front of the house, and everyone would try to settle him down, he would scream and shiver. Shortly after, I got a female, Scarlett from B.R.A.T. she was from the same breeder. They have sibbling issues(thats a WHOLE 'nother thread..lol) but with her around he has settled down when I leave the house. I now live in NY and when I go to work they each have thier own areas, including food, water and crates. Maybe another dog isn't for everyone, but it sure helped for Ziggee. He is the best basenji I ever owned. Scarlett, was a show dog she had 8pts and 3 yrs old. She nipped the new handler she was sent out with, and I guess, she either had to be put to sleep or adopted out. The breeder ran into me in town one day, and asked if I would like to try another one, since I did so well with her first "problem" child. lol. The co-workers dog is a friend persay, not a sibbling. We(scarlett, ziggee, and I) are the pack and it really is different than visiting a friends house.
Seizures and passouts…thank you soooo much. They are basenjis and I know they could get fleas they haven't yet. Yes I do have meds for them but havent ever needed to use it. My yard is not sprayed, I walk them in a field and woods. Yhe first incident happened during the winter months. Food, hasn't changed, treats haven't changed… but thanks so much for the link and I will follow up with it.
Seizures and passouts…My dog recently started with seizures, about 8 months ago, he has had 2 of these episodes in the 8months. I have had blood tests twice and recently on a walk he just collaped. Well, not collapsed in the word, he walked around the corner and laid down. This was 6am and still chilly out. I had to go to work and thought he was just testing me in the morning(after all he is a basenji) but when he went to stand up, he was wobbly and laid back down. I had to carry him back home, and laid him on the kitchen floor. My dad got him into the vet that day and again, they said, liver enzymes a tad bit elevated but nothing to be alarmed at. He is 8yrs old, I feed him natural brand foods, and he is fixed. Any ideas or any vets in Niagara Falls area who are familiar with our breed?