thank you very much for your suggestions. Dayna's shots are complete now including rabies. this time the vet gave her a benadril and some cortizon mix before the shot so she did not have any reaction. in this case, the rabies shot was not made 30 days prior to the travel date, I hope that does not create any problems.
I got her health certiicate and I had it endorsed by the office of USDA. and I purchased a new kennel for her that has the ventilation holes on all four sides. it is the intermediate size that you suggested I think. I;ve got it from a locak pet shop. She is able to lay down and strech her feet in it. I think this will be much better for her with the extra space. She is not very fond of crates actually but she seems to like this one.
I will take her back from AA at Chicago airport and check her in again at Turkish Airlines. I like this better because I will be able to see her and make sure she in the plane.
I will post after our travel about our experience.
thank you again
pelin & dayna