If he turns out to be fine, I would put out the money and time for a Behaviorist
I love Basenjis, they are amazing dogs
Help Asap -
Help AsapThanks for everything guys, this means alot
I really don't want to see this happen, and since the pet store is paying for all the vet visits and all, we will see yet what actually is wrong
nomrbddgs, thanks for all the info as well, I just hope and pray that everything will be fine
He is so young, and I love him to pieces, I just hope he turns out fine
My fiancee is crying because she also loves the dog so much, and we both hope everything will turn out for the better
But if that is the case, the neurological disorder and all, I guess the only option is euthanization?
Because I don't want him to live with this condition and be slowly dying. -
Help AsapHe zones out alot, and alot of the time he has a glazed over look
He doesn't really have seizures, but his jaw shutters quite frequently
Male aggressive for sure, he does do tricks for treats though, he sits stays, shakes paws and all that, but whenever you don't have a treat he just tries to eat you pretty much
He does calm down if he is left alone for quite awhile, but usually around anybody he just becomes super aggressive and snappy -
Help AsapAchilles is only 5 months old, so he still has a good life to live
We got him from a pet store for free because of the epilepsy
It was only recently he started attacking multiple people, before it was only me he tried to bite -
Help AsapHi, I am one of the owners of Achilles
He is very aggressive, and turns on everybody, and we believe he does do have epilepsy
We cannot afford the medication and all the vet bills due to the lack of income we currently have
Any information people can email me, or let me know here would be great, I would love to have him here, but I just can't take care of him, so I want him to go to a good home that has the knowledge on this kind of thing
Thanks in advance for everything.