Cutest ever!!!!!

Living as cats and dogs -
SweetI noticed that he will be father in Sweden this year :)
Exciting! -
Zahleka Merric Merlot 21 month oldWili sends greetings back to Masai.
Such a father such a son..;) -
Zahleka Merric Merlot 21 month oldOh yes I am very proud of him :)
King Khufu Love Potion Nr One 3 years old
Zahleka Merric Merlot 21 month old
Mr. Spoiled got a present..Moja is sooooo jealous!! She had to run beside the bike :P
So cuteJust a lot of <3
Finally: Agility pictures!Lovely pics!
Drawing of Buju and MasaiJises! They are fantastic! Have Linda seen the one of Kotten?
My darlingsMoja have a looooong tongue :D
My darlingsWili is our clown :)
My darlings
My dogs :0)
My dogs :0)Moja did hands up. She can also play dead…
My dogs :0)Some of my favourite pics from last year.
Wili goes crazyHe was asleep until I took the pic :)
Wili goes crazyHe is really crazy…
Some more evidence:
Wili won BOSThank you! He realy begged me to give him some candy :) And he know absolutely how to do it… :)
Spoiled pup.. new coat and a new collar..No, I have not seen the leash. My money are already gone… ;)