I found this site and was quite delighted. We have a just over
2 year old Basenji mix, we think with Lab, but she is very much
Basenji. She is MacKenzie. I will post a pic when I can, she is about
50 lbs, does bark (must be the Lab) and whoever had the pups before
they turned them into a shelter, they docked the tails.
She was brought in by my daughter as it was her and her boy friends
dog at 14 weeks to socialize with my dogs, a Siberian Husky and a
Malamute, and she never left. She is a complete family dog. She was
brought up with sled dogs and she thinks she is one. I have lost the
Malamute and just lost the oldest Sibe, but she has a just under two
female red and white Siberian companion also They are the best of friends
and working partners. I am in Southern California and in the fall, winter
and spring we do dog scootering. These girls run together like life partners
and beat a lot of the sibe only teams. They both love the snow, again the
lab in her. She is such a delight, so different from my sled dogs but so
compatible. We hope to get in on some discussions and will share pics
of the girls working. Their working team name is Girls beat feet.
I almost forgot the joy in listening to both of them howl at sirens. Can't
be beat.
New member