she was only 2 months old when i got her. i started crating her last night at meal time and i fed her after i ate…she looked at me and cocked her head to one side she DEFINATLY tries to dominate me and in all honesty she is succeeding, someone told me to hit her on the nose with a rolled up news paper I however do NOT believe in hitting any animal its just not right, so that was out of the question, she rebels against everything i say or try to do with her, last night it was the biting again, she left little welts from her teeth on my hand i kept saying NO!!! and giving her a toy to play with...she was much more interested in my hands and kept bitting, so id say "no roxy! NO BITE!" and shed stop for a moment, then pick up where she left off i finally crated her. she was being rediculous.... shes also started grabbing my heels and eating them if i tell her she cant do something...shes like a 6 year old its incredible! i think i may have to take her to a trainer any more suggestions?! anything is appriciated!
Roxy behaving badly! -
Could Sandie be something else ???roxy is mixed with a pit bull i think, thats what they said shes 35 lbs,nd her ears are pretty massive lol
Roxy behaving badly!il try doing that too….my boyfriend mother actually told me to do that as well, im going to look into it for sure...shes just soooo stubborn! she wants her way all the time, but ill try my best! thank you again!!! oh btw ill be posting pictures of roxy as soon as i can figure this thing out lol
Roxy behaving badly!thank you so much! ill try it ALL shes a handful THATS for sure! as for the bitter apple…she likes it lol yes i got on my fingers and i ate an apple (even though i HAD washed my hands vigerously) and it was a nasty surprise....idk HOW she loves it so much but she does :yuck: Ambered Roxy is 13 months old, and i rescued her from the pound, her mother and 12 of her puppy brothers and sisters were all up for adoption they went FAST! if ya guys come up with anything else let me know!!!
Thank you soo much for all the advice! -
Roxy behaving badly!Can anyone help me?! I have such a stubborn little B!!! she doesnt listen unless i have somthing to offer in other words food.
Roxy has a few uhh…issues...
She seems to enjoy biting me or jumping up and nipping at my fingers when im walking, shes recently started eating SHOES! im not happy about that! she gets mean when anyone is eating something whether your just standing there enjoying some chips or your at the dinner table having a mean she sits in front of you and then starts howling at you to give her some if you dont right away or you simply ignore her she will jump and put her paws on the table or you knees and sniff your plate! if you push her off genltly she does it again and if you still dont listen she howls even louder for a longer period of time and then grunts.if shes not begging for food shes usually running alllll around the house as fast as she possibly can jumping on furniture and finally landing on the very top of the lazy boy to look out the window...shes doing that right now btw. What do i do?! help!!!! i have basenji problems!:rolleyes:
Thank you!! -
How does you B let you know it's Play Time?when Roxy wants to play she'll usually push me! lol she runs up to me and does a little grr and pushes me again, if i dont pay attention to her she runs to get her ball and pushes me with it in her mouth until i grab it from her and throw it. if im sitting down on the couch or something she'll run up and throw herself on me jump off look at me and run off so ill chase her. its sooo cute! ahh i love her!!!!
Does your B love cardboard boxes?i always thought that was just roxy…apparently they all love cardboard, is it safe to eat? ....:confused:
Eat your heart outWhat a cute pup!!! congrats and good luck with him!