I need all of your help, my basenji is everything I've ever wanted in a dog.. He has a relaxed personality and loves to snuggle.. Only downfall is that he doesn't like other dogs or kids, and I am about to have a baby. I think it's the way kids grab him and let him hard… Is there anything I can do to train him for when the baby comes? Thank you
New baby on the way -
My success story!I absolutely love this breed!!! Cairo is my idea of perfection in a dog, and I am so glad I had faith and did my research!!! Only thing now is to train him not to eat bunny droppings, hahaha!!!
My success story!I got him when he was only 5 months old, and i began socializing him with the bird from the moment I got him. He was extremely curious about her for awhile, but knew never to touch her! I read several books saying how smart this breed is, and they are 1000 percent accurate! My basenji is like a little person, with a great memory of where everything is!!!!! And I agree with you, people always make excuses and they don't realize you have to take time training them and to challenge their intelligence because they get bored once they solve!
My success story!So, last September/October I posted a thread asking everyone if its a good idea to get a Basenji if i already had a pet bird. Many who replied told me it was a horrible idea that this breed has very wild instincts and that my bird would not stand a chance. Well I am here to tell everyone it is possible to train your basenji not to touch birds…and here is my proof.
By the way,I do know all basenjis are different but this is MY success story
Chewing on his toe nailsThank you, eeeefarm! I love my boy so much that I worry easily!!
Chewing on his toe nailsI always notice my boy chewing and licking his foot, so I finally I examined his foot and noticed that he chewed his nails all the way down to were he might bleed. He is my first baby, so I am worried and dont know what to do! Has anyone have had this same problem?
Maryland Meetups? Baltimore CountyShibu*
So funny -
Maryland Meetups? Baltimore CountyYes I always have people thinking if he is a mix between a corgi and a shirt inu, I think it'd absolutely hilarious
Basenji Growling & AggressionI can't relate at all or know anything about this kinda aggression, but has there been any sort of change in your B's life? And do you know for certain that he is healthy? I ask that because maybe he doesn't feel good and is protecting himself.
Eating all of my clothes!!!I am so frustrated because my baby Cairo loves eating my clothes. He has ate (put holes in) like 9 of my socks, ruined 5 bras, 1 shirt, thousandssss of my clean underwear, and 1 stretchy pants. It is so horrible because I am so careful of hiding my clothes from him, but then he sneaks in and grabs them out of the hamper or if i leave my drawer open. He hasn't ruined ANY of my husbands clothes. I don't understand it because sometimes the clothes are clean and does not have my scent. JEEZ!! How do I fix this behavior?
Pee!Thank you those are excellent points. He is 10 months
Pee!I need advice, I am convinced I have the best dog in the whole entire world but my boy loves to pee on top of furniture. When I got him at 4 months, he was already potty trained and always let me know when he has to go outside. But he has had 3 accident s on top of my bed and last night he peed on the couch in front of my husband and me. Why does he do this? ?
Electric fence?Nevermind, I don't think I want to do that to my baby
Electric fence?Does anyone have an electric fence with their basenji??? I want my boy to roam free in my yard and get exercise, and I cant get an actual fence
Greetings! We're so excited!My husband is extremely allergic to dogs and our sweet basenji doesn't bother him at all!! Basenjis are the best breed ever!!
Cairo!He doesnt really destroy anything besides my clothes hahaha. He also like to destroy all paper products., but he leaves his beds alone. He is a very calm baby and I am wondering if it will change since he is afterall a basenji. Any thoughts?
Switching flavorsDoes anyone switch their flavor of the kibble so their dogs won't get bored? I feed mine Merrick's duck and sweet potato, and was wondering if I should switch to another Merrick flavor
Is my Basenji overweight and Suggestions for feeding him?What kind of treats did you put in them? My boy is very picky
Is my Basenji overweight and Suggestions for feeding him?Thank you so much for helping us. I can't wait to go and get one tomorrow :)
Is my Basenji overweight and Suggestions for feeding him?What brand treat ball do you have?