Thank you all for your kind words! It almost brings me to tears of joy right now to see her laying in the grass by the pool on a beautiful sunny day in California and knowing that shes gonna be OK. Of course I wish I could have done more for more dogs in her village (I DID help bring 2 of her puppies to the US though, they have arrived safely in Colorado today!)

Segbwema, I know what you mean about the dogs having to fend for themselves… The village where I lived for 8 months didn't have any running water or electricity... so it definitely put things in perspective! Right now Laliti and I are BOTH feeling like we've won the lottery : )

Patty, yeah I hope Laliti doesnt take the word "mutt" the wrong way : )

I think I'd pin her to look a lot like a Basenji/Black lab mix.... (obviously shes not mixed with any lab, but just for the sake of describing her appearance) because she has a diluted Basenji appearance with a larger body and a thicker coat like a black lab....