My Abby does that, when she is ready to blow her coat she turns kind of brown on the sides but the hair on her back that she stands up when freaked out stays black all the time.

Fula Blacks… -
Basenjis and catsBoth Abby and Cooper love my cat, love to chase him. He's pretty smart though he's know how to get away from them. We have our formal dining room blocked off with baby gates so he can go in there and eat and not be bothered by the dogs. Plus apparently Cooper looooooves cat food. Then again Cooper loves all food.
Rabies ShotsWhere I live it is also required not only by the state but also the county. We give three year, Abby always gets a lump but it goes away after a couple days. When I got Cooper his was done in Ohio and it was only for a year. I don't know if that was because that's how they do it or because he was only 8 months old. However it is not the law for cats to have it, and my vet didn't even do rabies for my cat until I started letting him outside. He said if the cat is an inside only cat there was no point to vaccinate him.
New adopted baby CooperThanks Jennifer for all the info! just for the record he is a lovely young boy and he is very happy here with his new sisters. I keep in contact with his former owner and send her pics of him to let her know how he is doing. I understand that it is very difficult to have to give up your dog, I can't even imagine having to give up one of mine, so I choose to keep her up to date with Cooper! He is getting along really well here, I am however working on some potty issues but he's doing better at that too.
She looks so innocent, my little devilkin…They all have that innocent look, but we know better! She is very beautiful!
New adopted baby Cooperlooked him up on ZandesBasenjis his dad is registered but his mom is not or at least not on there or can't find any info on her. He is a very beautiful dog his fur is shiney and smooth and he has very good temperment. As soon as the full adoption goes thru I will get him tested for fanconi. Right now I am just trying to get him used to Abby, she is such a brat and that is being nice! :)
New adopted baby CooperNerdyDogOwner-I only know so much about him his previous owner stated that she could not take care of him due to lack of time and funds. He was born 12/20/2008 came from a breeder in Texas. Dash probably knows more than I do! I was about to look him up and see if I can find out more about him!
Blowing coat?Abby blew her coat last month and has already grown her winter fur! It's only august and we live in IL so it's not cold here. But I did notice that she is not black anymore on her sides it's kind of a brownish black. Her fur is very thick and long up around her neck! She has never changed color before but it is all of her soft undercoat that is a different color.
New adopted baby CooperAs I have stated recently in some of my posts I just got a new rescue puppy from BRAT! His name is Cooper. We drove to Ohio to pick him up about a week and a half ago and I just thought that I would post some pics of him so everyone can see my new sweet boy! Some of the pics on here are of Cooper when he was a baby that the previous owner had sent to me.
What Mcdonnalds character is your dog?I'm not sure about Abby but Cooper is def hamburgler as he tried to steal my BBQ pork sandwich lastnight right off my plate!
Looking for a male BasenjiI just got a BRAT puppy we drove to ohio to pick up and we live in IL. He is the sweetest dog ever. I agree with jonny b. "want dog? will travel"! It is def worth it to get one of these guys!
What is that? And what makes them special?i have now two B's one makes noise and the puppy does not, maybe he will, maybe he won't but I also have a dog that barks enough for all three of them. Before I had the new pup everytime the FedEx guy would come to the door Missy my non B would go running to the door with the meanest bark you ever heard. I caught him outside one day going to deliver a package to my house and he said "I know your house you have the two dogs and the one barks a lot when I come to the door", but he said the other one "doesn't bark at all" and I told him the funny part about it is the one that doesn't bark is the one that will bite you! :)
Beneful Dry Dog FoodI have been feeding my dogs Diamond Brand Chicken and Rice small breed, according to that website it's not the greatest but not the worst. I might try the Orijen brand and see if my dogs like it, Cooper and missy will eat anything but Abby is more picky that's why I went with the diamond brand cuz she likes it and she will eat it! :)
Ever seen a B that "learned" to bark?Abby makes a noise every once in a while that could be thought of as a bark, but what I think she does is she yodels but cuts it off short so it could sound like a bark! My new baby that I am fostering to adopt doesn't make any noise at all except when he yawns. Now I do have a dog that does bark (enough for all my dogs) but Abby has never caught on to it. However Abby did teach her how to sing! We live in a community that still has a whistle for our volunteer fire department and everyday at noon the whistle goes off, at first Missy would just bark and bark then when I got Abby she sings to the whistle and now Missy does too. I'm hoping she will teach Cooper how to sing as well! :)
Basenji and the dog next doorMy brother has a jack russell and brings her over all the time and her and Abby play. Abby doesn't know that she's not a b. The only dogs Abby doesn't like are big dogs. :(
Mistake getting a Basenji?My Abby is semi destructive she does not detroy furniture but she will take on stuffed animals, remote controls, cell phones, pens, paper plate, pretty much anything paper and plastic bags from the grocery store. She also loves socks clean or dirty and she is very slick about getting them. The only other bad side to her is she is very grouchy when disturbed while sleeping although she is getting better as she gets older. I had my doubts when I first got her, I did a little homework but not a lot however I love her to death and would not trade her for the world. I am also getting involved with brat on wednesday we are picking up a puppy that we are adopting and we are planning on fostering many many more, because they all need homes.
Who is who and owns which dogs….abby_basenji=Michelle Johnson
At home 2 legged my husband Mark and my sister Kelley
4 legged my only B is Abby Lynn (Abby) born 6/21/2006 B/W
sire Super Sonic Dam Poison Ivy, Abby is Faconi clear.Also have mixed breed black female Missy approx 5 years old
Black and white cat named Fatfat approx 7 years old -
Cody helps with packingAbby oesn't usually help me pack so much, but she does like to help me unpack while I pack! :)
Does your dog do this?the other thing she does when she is digging in the yard is I think she is digging for grubs! Yuk! She will dig for a while then she will bite the dirt and come up with a mouth full of grass and dirt and it's gross! :(
Does your dog do this?Tanza-Abby will be 3 on June 20th and she was just spayed about 6 months ago! We just noticed this spring when she blew her coat that her tail never went back down, it just stayed fluffy. It's fine that way I just didn't know if it was supposed to be that way or if it would go back.