I find it very hard to believe that anyone who participates in a "dog rescue" forum would support Vick.
From the official investigation report. "The Aug. 28, 2008 report describes how Vick and two associates, Purnell Peace and Quanis Phillips, "thought it was funny to watch the pit bull dogs belonging to Bad Newz Kennels injure or kill the other dogs." The report also states that in mid-April of last year, Vick, Peace and Phillips executed approximately six dogs by hanging and drowning. The hanging deaths occurred "by placing a nylon cord over a 2x4 that was nailed to two trees located next to the big shed." The men drowned the others "by putting the dogs' heads in a five-gallon bucket of water."
Nike p/u M. Vick again -
A very silly Cara PoseThank you all for the warm welcome. I placed a blog about Dakota and how he came to be a part of our family at
http://basenjirescue.blogspot.com/2010/09/success-story-dakota-from-wimauma.html .
This is wonderful forum. I enjoy reading all the posts!
A very silly Cara PoseGreat to meet another Wimauma mom!
A very silly Cara PoseHello everyone. This is my first post to the forum. Like Cara, my pup Dakota is one of the Wimauma super-sized rescues. He has floppy ears, is almost 20 inches tall and weighs 35 pounds. Dakota was born February 24, 2010 and is 8 months old. I think he's still growing. :eek: The kids in the neighborhood call him "Snoopy" because he has a really long nose and big long floppy ears. They think it's cool that "Snoopy" has a curly tail. If Dakota's ears stand up they're going to be really disappointed. :)