I'm sorry to hear about Vanyel's misfortune. My cat, Jewel Kitty, is also 5 years old (I adopted her from the Humane Society when she was 6 months). I know that if she ever got out and got hurt I would be completely beside myself. I'll be sending good thoughts your way for a speedy recovery. Good luck.
Good thoughts for Vanyel (cat) please16 Sept 2008, 08:56 -
Dog costumes5 Sept 2008, 01:35Lol- your dogs have more clothes than I do! Those are all great! I've only bought one outfit for Kitiara. It was a cute little red sundress. I put it on her, turned around for about 5 seconds and the dress was torn to shreds.
Dog costumes5 Sept 2008, 01:19Omg! Those are great! I love the mummy :)
Going outside in the rain…4 Sept 2008, 03:06Kit's actually been really good about going out in the rain this year. We have had more rain than usual with the tropical storms passing by. Poor thing has had to trudge through standing water more than once in the last month.
Note To Self:14 Aug 2008, 16:36Yes- preparation is key! Also, I like to put a towel in the dryer when we start the bath and then as soon as Kitiara has finished her spazzy post bath run around the house, I will wrap her up in the warm towel and enjoy some quality couch time. She loves it.
Note To Self:14 Aug 2008, 15:52Kit is pretty good in the bath but every single time she gives me those "how could you do this to me" eyes.
Pictures of your dogs Catching Some Rays30 Apr 2008, 01:46 -
Coursing Brag28 Apr 2008, 14:25How exciting! Congrats :)
Beautiful day28 Apr 2008, 14:19We have had some beautiful weather these past couple of days and the dogs sure know how to enjoy it!
Kit goofing off28 Apr 2008, 13:55That's great! I love the straight arms!
Kit goofing off28 Apr 2008, 01:59 -
Hola Everyone from Sacramento California28 Apr 2008, 01:19Hello and welcome! Zorro-BaBa is really cute!
Speaker Wires26 Apr 2008, 00:16I feel your pain… Kit has now chewed through the wires for our new surround sound system twice since we bought the darn thing last Sunday.
An Engineer's Guide to Cats25 Apr 2008, 01:34Absolutely hillarious!
Already missing my girls…24 Apr 2008, 00:33We finally made it home this past Saturday. It was so good to see the girls and they were really excited to have us back as well. We have been spending much quality couch time to make up for our time apart!
Test Results19 Apr 2008, 02:09Best of luck to you and Medjai.
Is this my spot?17 Apr 2008, 19:10Hmmm… a cafe style table is actually a really good idea... hadn't thought about that.
Yodel or Yawn or ???17 Apr 2008, 18:56Kitiara is 7 years old now and every once in a while she will still surprise us with a new sound!
Jackpot - new pics16 Apr 2008, 22:36Those are great pics! Kit leaves her bed where it is but she drags the cat's bed over to wherever she feels like sleeping at the time.
Click to give to shelter dogs16 Apr 2008, 16:26What a great new way to start my day! Thank you!