Thanks everyone for your warm welcomes…I'm working on the pics:)tried to put some up but the link didn't work but I'll get there.

Hello One And All, -
Hello from PAAwww….he's just so beautiful.
Hello One And All,The eldest is Bessie at 11 years old her breeder is Teschi, Doc is 10 years old his breeder is Gaelifrey, Leela, Elvis and Skye are Bessies puppies and they are 8 years old and their father is Tamsala Dashing Derek all Australian breeders. Skye was sold to a very loving family when she was just a puppy and we still see her occasionally.
Hello One And All,What a great site, found it on a Basenji video on Youtube and we just had to join. We have 4 Basenji's Bessi, Doc, Leela and Elvis and as you all can imagine we love them all to bits.