My little terror "Zsa Zsa" does all the above except that my two big boys hide in their crates or I have to give her a timeout because she just won't stop even when sprayed with water.
How many of these play behaviors does your Basenji have? -
RooAll of them adorable….
Zsa Zsa sporting her new MartingaleIt's a whippet collar
LokiToo cute…. wish my Zsa Zsa would be like that with our cats... They are still segragated by a gate she is only 9.5 months old.
Resurrecting my profile!My two boys, a Ridgeback and Siberian, to this day have not forgiven me for bringing in the "she devil"….. As for the cats (only one is brave enough to stand up to her) and teaching proper behavior with the help of water spray but man is she quick to get out of the way.. Life is no longer quiet and we wouldn't change it for the world and I thought Ridgebacks were addictive, nope they're just velcro dogs.... Welcome and have fun...
Zsa Zsa sporting her new MartingaleThrough the forum's older posts, I was able to find a proper collar (Northwind) for Zsa Zsa which suits her beautifully. The quality is just beautiful and I no longer have to worry about her beautiful neck when I do not feel like putting a harness on.
Introducing Bushbabies Gizmo the Summertime SurpriseHe is so cute… I didn't get to experience nor enjoy Zsa Zsa at that age so enjoy the puppy breath...
Zsa Zsa sporting her hoodyWell the temperature plummeted to 41 last night and Zsa Zsa did not want to go potty outside before going dodo. So I had to put on her hoody which she's not too crazy about and then I had to stand on the deck and encourage her to go on the wet cold grass…took about 10 minutes before it was all done and I froze instead....
Picture was taken before going outside..Enjoy and have a great weekend :)
Meet MobyAwww, he is just too adorable…. Definitly Disney cute, have you thought of showing him to a modeling agency in your area...
Didn't know what I was getting into but I guess now I'm stuck.Zsa Zsa is crated when unsupervised and so is the Siberian Jay-Jay (Mr. destoyer of furniture and carpets when he was left unsupervised). My Stalker/self proclaimed protector, Duke the ridgeback has not been crated for over a year and a half. It all depends on your dog's temperament and no two are alike. It's also by trial and error (which can be very costly) that you find out if they can be trusted running loose in the house.
Just pay attention to the behavior and do some trial runs when you feel comfortable with your trust level and go from there…
Thought I had it all figured out…I've also "been" a big dog lover and had them in my whole childhood and adult life until Zsa Zsa came into our lives a little over 3 months ago. All small breeds I've met, seen and "heard" prior to her, were none stop "yappers" and I would have never contemplated to bring one into my home. I'm not putting all small dogs in the same boat but 99% of those I've met have a "napoleon" complex :)
I had also communicated with various breeders within a 200km radius of my home and everyone was very helpful with my questions concerning if the breed would be a good fit in my household with my 2 other dogs and rescue cats. I was also very concerned with genetic problems (i.e. Fanconi) since I learnt the hard was with my poorly breed ridgeback (4 dermoids removed at 6 months). I made sure that I was able to verify prior to me making the final decision if she was going to be part of our family, that the Fanconi test results of both parents were done and any others tests since she was listed as a purebred with papers. Also the funny thing about my rescue girl, is that prior to me getting her from her owner, I had scheduled an appointment to visit her breeder the following week without knowing the association between both.
All this to say, that I'm a novice with the breed and that if you like a dog with personality, that pushes your buttons, drives you nuts, a challenge to train and acts like a clown to diffuse a situation (that means divert your attention from getting a correction-usually water sprayed on her or time out in crate ) then this is the breed for you. I've never had to put so much effort to keep calm and to see the humor in situations as with Zsa Zsa. It's a breed that pushes all your buttons and I thank everyday that I have a crate to give her time outs for her own good, a breather to the rest of my guys and myself. She gets tones of exercise and playtime with the big boys and still she is like the energy bunny, she keeps on going & going… So please do your research, talk to breeders and ask questions on this forum and you will learn a lot on them. This will help you make an informative decision if this is a breed for you.
Good luck and be forewarned you will be addicted to the breed. I'm hooked and will more than likely have another one within the next 10 years :)
Didn't know what I was getting into but I guess now I'm stuck.Tyson is such a cutie… I sympathize and feel for you. I have 2 male dogs (aged 3 (Ridgbk) and 5 (Sibe) and they are terrified of Zsa Zsa who is 9 months old. She came to live with us at 7 months when her original owner found out they were allergic. The 1st month of transition was not easy and an eye opener for me who thought another African hound would not be a problem - wrong Basenji are nothing like ridgebacks... A month ago she was sterilized and had a hernia repaired so she was in a crate to keep her calm until everything closed up. Well since last week she has been let loose with her brothers, and she gets into these phases where she goes nuts (we call it the zoomies) running from one couch to another and using the backrest as a mode of propulsion and then when bored of that game, goes attacking the legs of the big boys or growls at them if they move where she doesn't feel they should be there. We usually have to spray her with water to get her attention and stop the unwanted behavior.
As much as she drives us crazy, we all love her and the bonus since she arrived, my pre-teen daughter's area has nothing lying on the ground (i.e. toys, books, etc). We specially love the sound she makes in the morning when she greats us...It sounds like a rooster :)
Enjoy your dogs and everything will work out sooner or later (hoping sooner than later) ;P
Post sterlization & hernia operationThank you for the information.
Post sterlization & hernia operationZsa Zsa came back home today after her operation and the vet told me to watch her incisions and to wipe it down with water should it get aggravated. She is my 1st female and wanted to know if this is normal and what else can I use to keep the area clean & disinfected (polysporene) and aside from not letting her play with her 2 big brothers or go down stairs for 2 weeks (this is going to be interesting) what else do I need to worry about.
Tks, -
I'm new here!The day will come faster than you think :) My advise to you would be to start getting your home ready before the little Angel/Tazmanian devil arrives. Get as much gear (bonus if you find items on sale) you possibly can prior to the arrival (a must have: a good water bottle spray which will stop and get the attention of any animal & human in their track). Most importantly, puppy/dog proof the house and yard.
Good luck and patience ;)
Here's Rue!She is a pretty girl and I agreed 100% with Stash's advise since I do it with my Zsa Zsa and have no problems with the crate.
Zsa Zsa - female BrindleWell the little monster is definitely a tyrant with the boys. In the morning she greats us making similar noises like a rooster (too funny). See is mostly house broken but once in a while will have a lapse. She now understand the command to "go pippi" & thats mostly from seeing the older boys go upon command. Very smart girl but would like to break the towel fetish she has. She has to grab any towel within her reach & run with it & tries to hide it… Well I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday.
Intro from Montreal, CanadaShe's still not too sure about water & I think it's because I've been using the water bottle to discourage inappropriate behavior :)
Zsa Zsa - female BrindleTook the plunge a month ago and adopted Zsa Zsa (who is now 6 months old) from a family that couldn't keep her due to allergies, Here are pictures of my 1st Basenji & female, 2nd African breed (the two are now best buds) and she is just a great addition to the family. I never liked small breeds but she sold me.
Early heatI've just went through my 1st heat with Zsa Zsa, whom I adopted from a family, and she is my 1st female and the blood spotting was a first for me (don't want to go through with it again). It started a week after she came home with us (1st week of June) and before my vet could sterilize her. I've been told to wait until the end of August before scheduling the operation. I also though it was early to have a 1st heat (her whelp/b-day is 12/27/12 as per her CKC papers, her breeders are Aziza & Eldorado) …
All this to say that you have my moral support..