We were getting ready to go for a walk, I was distracted by a phone call and that is what I found when I looked down…. After hearing him clunk into the chair with each pass.
Indoor Lure Coursing (funny)…. -
Indoor Lure Coursing (funny)….Pilot chased his leash in circles for at least 3 minutes before I started to record. Thank goodness he has become smarter with age, but I'm sure we all miss the "fun parts" of the puppy stages. See the video here: http://youtu.be/AiTxn4KLHqE
Shedding BasenjiI brush Pilot with the Kong Zoom Groom every morning on our first walk. It really helps the shedding hair and he really enjoys it. http://www.amazon.com/KONG-ZoomGroom-Grooming-Brush-Boysenberry/dp/B0002AR19Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1411359292&sr=8-1&keywords=zoom+groom
"Ice, Ice, Oh I Love Ice"Pilot was a little over 2 months old when this video was shot.