Someone had two basenjis they got in March, he's had them outside and when he brought them in this Spring they discovered his son has allergies. He knows of our big Basenji family and called us to see if we would take them and help find them a good home…, althought they are adorable, we just don't have the room or time to properly spoil two more family members. So we are keeping them until either he or us finds them a home. They are purebred without papers and have fabulous markings. So, our home just got a little crazier for a while!
Newtohere -
Hi I just joined!Hi and welcome….I'm new too and I'm looking forward to meeting more basenji lovers like my family...I am glad to hear that you are having a good time with your new friend. As for the chewing on things, we overload our house with dog toys and they always manage to find one of their own rather than something they shouldn' the rare instance that they do pick up a sock or something, we immediately replace it with one of their toys (we don't scold) and they respond very well....we really haven't had a chewing problem and we have 4 Basenjis! Good Luck and welcome.
Cat help neededHI. We recently had tragedy when we lost a kitten. He was about 5 months old, a farm cat from a neighbor. We found him Sun. unable to move one rear leg, this gradually progessed to his other rear leg, and eventually was completely paralysed and died before we could get him to a vet on Mon. Does anyone have any idea what was wrong with him so we can prevent this ever again!? Thanks for any advice.
Basenji WantedHI! I don't know if you're interested but we have 2 Basenjis that were recently returned to us for allergy reasons…we are in MN but if you want to contact me we may be able to work something out that you could afford if you are me if you want more details about them....they are 8 months old and housebroke. Otherwise, best wishes in your search.
Wanted: Basenji puppy (buy/adopt)Hi! I'd just like to say while it's great to hear other's opinions, you know yourself, your lifestyle, your children, and your cat better than anyone else! We adopted two "Unwanted" Basenjis that everyone said were not good picks and they are now wonerful members of our family. It has more to do with what effort you are willing to invest into the new member of your family. In addition, our 4 Basenjis spend their days in a kennel and get let out when we get home, they roam the yard free and have never left the yard in 4 years….we do keep an eye on them because they are our companions....not just to be ignored when out. We also have 2 cats, sometimes they get along and sometimes they don't but our cats take care of themselves (without harming the Basenjis). Be sure to ask plenty of questions about your prospective breeder and the individual Basenji.....and please follow your own instinct about the choice while remembering that this is a long-term committment to a potential family member. Good Luck!
PS We do currently have 2 - 8 month old Basenjis recently returned from a home where they discovered the son has dander allergies Please contact me if you are interested in further info -
NewtohereHello. We are a family of 4 humans; 2 adults, 2 children….all of whom are serious pet lovers of all kinds. We live on 160 acres with plenty of room for our brood to run. We have 2 cats, a German Shepherd, 2 German Shorthairs, and 4 Basenjis. Our Basenjis are: Annie, our 1st, 3 1/2 years old, Brindle, adopted from a neglected home where she was supposed to be a puppy mill producer until we paid dearly to rescue her from this life....she is now happily a part of a very spoiled Basenji family, she belongs to our 12 year old daughter. Max is our 2nd, a 2 1/2 year old brindle, belongs to our 13 year old son.... Max is a real couch potato who enjoys tv and video games and thinks he's bigger than the German Shepherd. Our third is Minnie, an "unwanted" we found at the pound...she wasn't "perfect" (she had a lazy tail, her white collar only went 3/4 way around her neck and she was the runt) Minnie is now the most beautiful trindle who loves to snuggle in bed, play with our Shepherd, and is actually on the large side for a female...oh, and by the way has a beautifully curly tail...she's mine. Finally, my husband needed one too (they're addicting).... he found Jack. Jack is a black brindle who had a very bad case of mange that took the better part of his first year to clear one point the vet told us he should be put down...we didn't give up and he is now doing beautifully. He's a real character who thinks he rules the roost but is actually our smallest Basenji.The 4 like to run the Basenji 500 when in the house together....ever see the Russian Basenjis in the circus???? Well, that's us in a nutshell.......Glad to meet all of you.