Most of the time my 2 furkids only chew their toys or bones but occasionally Mom gives them a papertowel roll or some paper to shred. They are so lucky:D . but today we weren't paying attention and Shelby and Vince decided Dad's hat needed shredding. Of course neither of them is guilty of the crime. They gave us the "not me" look. They truly are toddlers in dog suits.:)

What does your basenji like to rip? -
What Silly Things SCARE Your B??Shelby was startled once by deer while we were on a walk but she's curious about everything else, especially if Mom is there. Vince is a bit more fearful which is really funny because he looks more fearsome. He's very nervous of loud popping sounds like fireworks or cars backfiring but we joke that it's because he was in the mafia or a gang in NJ and is afraid of a drive-by.;)
June Fun Match in MarylandThank-you from Shelby, Vince, my better half and myself. It was a awesome day. We had a great time at the fun match. Everyone was so friendly and the dogs were just gorgeous. Shelby had an unfair advantage in the least white contest but everyone was a good sport about it. it was also great meeting people from the forum. Jen, your furbabies are so cute and so feisty. B-Boy, I think Max may be almost as big as Shelby and she is half labrador! He's a big boy! Willie and Jasper were awesome and your son handles your dog's so well. You can tell the furbabies love him.
I was so impressed by all the dogs there and the dedication everyone has for their dogs. It was so cool! Like you all say, special dogs, special people!:)
I love this forum and I continue to learn so much from all of you. Thank-you again.
Basenji MixesWe have 2 mutts. Shelby is what we call a labrasenji, labrador retriever and besenji mix. Vince is anybody's guess. The shelter called him a basenji mix but he doesn't exactly act like one. He is at least 50% snugglebunny.:D
Show in MD May 20thWell we spent the day at the park, enjoying the river and I actually had the opportunity to meet a purebred basenji in my new neighborhood. And her owner got to meet my 2. I realize dog shows are a business and it's not about the dogs. I would've gone to see the dogs and my dogs would have simply been with me, not interacting with the other dogs. But my dogs love to be with me in new situations and whether it's a dog show, horse show, farm show, or movie at the mall, it's new to them and they get to smell new things, hear new sounds and still be with me. I can't take them to the movie at the mall but one would figure a dog show is acceptable. I didn't mean to get all riled up about this. As for health, my dogs were just to the vet and pronounced in excellent health and "absolutely beautiful" by the vet. (granted he problably says this to a lot of proud humoms but I'll take the compliment ;) ). Also because my pups are mixes, I don't have to worry about some of the genetic problems that the purebreds have problems with.
It's over now, anyway so I would be interested, if anyone took any pictures, if you could post them. I would love to see the basenjis in particular.
:) -
Show in MD May 20thWell, I may have been a terrible mother but my dogs are way better behaved than my children were and if they act up, I leave and take them for time out which was not always possible with my boys. I realize there are no guarantees that an unentered dog is healthy and up to date on vaccinations but reality is that the same could be said for entered dogs. It's all on faith and trust. What I really have a problem with is that, I'm sorry if I offend but looking at the rules which I just checked online, that because my dogs are mixes, they can't even come to the area for the unentered dogs because they are not qualified since not pure bred. I'm sorry for ranting but this mindset by the AKC makes me crazy! I support the idea of good breeders, keeping a breed pure with good temperaments and health but the idea that is perhaps unintentionally communicated by the AKC is that mixes are not good enough to even be seen at a dog show is what turns a lot of people off about breeders and "showpeople". I want to come to this show but can't because of this rule and the sad thing is my furbabies are more beautiful than most of the AKC breeds there and in better health.:mad: Maybe next time, when I can leave my pups at home, I can attend but until then, I'll remain the ignoramus that I am.
Sorry again, if I offend but I just have to say my piece. The other reality is that the AKC will never change and my opinion matters little in the grand scheme of things. -
Show in MD May 20thThanks for the heads up. Unfortunaately my 2 will stand out. If anyone has a phone number I can call to make sure I can bring these two, just pm me if you could. I really want to go to see this but my furbabies come with me! Heck if children can come, why not other dogs?
Show in MD May 20thThank-You, I would love more information. I think this could be fun and it's close.
Show in MD May 20thWhat time does it start? I've never been to a dog show. Can a spectator bring their dogs just to watch? I would really like to go on Sunday the 20th but the dogs will be with me since there is an open house at my home. We're selling our house at the worst time.
Yep, we bath them when they're dirty.We had to give baths this week too but it was the goose poop that was so nauseatingly inviting that both "ruffians" had to roll in it and were so proud. They smelled so disgusting:eek:
Ba-RooooooooooooooooooooMy Shelby is a mix so she barks but when she sees another dog, it's like she's talking or trying to sing. The sounds are incredible and I've never heard a dog do this. It's like ah-roooooo ah-roo, ah-rooooooo. So Funny! We say she talks alot because she's a girl.
Doesn't share wellThanks for the good advice. They are getting along fabulously now but I know that being shelter dogs there may be more issues that come up. Treatballs are only given in the crates now. Interesting all the information about the real status fights and what to look for. So far Shelby is usually submissive to Vince. I've seen both dogs do the licking the lips and looking away thing when the other had a bone but never realized that they were communicating. I figured they were waiting to steal it. Stealing is a favorite game with these two.:) I also wonder if the weather and other circumstances in the house contribute to how they get along. Some days they just seem calmer and other days Vince acts like a bully. I figure we all have our good days and bad days.
Doesn't share wellHow does a status fight start? What brings it On? Shelby has always been submissive and when they play, Vince will roll on his back to her too so I'm hoping the status thing has already been worked out.
Doesn't share wellI had no idea that they would fight over stuff like this. Only had one dog at a time before. I will try the separate rooms or in the crates thing. For a while today they were separated but both wanted to be with the other and didn't chew on any of their toys. They just kept going to the door and touching noses. This is my first time with a male dog too so I've had a lot to learn. :eek: Vince is still my cuddlebunny though even if he is very much a boy. He loves to roll in the grass and get dirty. Shelby just looks at him like he's a nut case. She wouldn't be caught dead getting dirty. :)
Doesn't share wellWe've had Vince for over a month now and the honeymoon is over. He's still a cuddlebunny and he and Shelby play well together but when they get toys or rawhides, they both want what ever the other one has. Vince is definitely the alpha male so Shelby usually gives up her bone and waits to steal it. Except her treatballs. She's an expert at getting the treats out and loves the things. Vince doesn't really know how to get the stuff out but wants the ball since she has it. Last night they had a actual fight over the treat ball. Usually I catch the argument before it gets to teeth but last night I wasn't paying attention. Both dogs are fine now and we separated them pretty quickly so only one small laceration on Shelby lip but my big question is will they ever get over wanting what the other has? Honestly we give them both a treatball at the same time. And all other toys and bones are the same for both. I had two boys so I know that everything has to be the same:D Any suggestions? They don't get snarky over the food dish, just chewable stuff. And Vince seems to be "claiming the family room" his. Shelby sneaks in and lays on the couch but keeps an eye on him.
How did you and your B come together?This is a great thread. I love to hear how everyone were taken over by their furbabies. I was also one of those people who was nev er going to get another dog. My golden has passed away at 14 years old and it was so hard going through that. We had moved to Australia for a couple of years and it seemed everyone I met had sweet dogs. I so missed a dog to cuddle and care for so when we got back to the states, I started to seach on the net for a dog to adopt. I was looking at labrador retrievers. I found Shelby at a fairly local shelter in PA and as soon as I saw her in person, I called my dh and said I was bringing a dog home. She was listed as a lab/pug mix. The only possible pug about her was the cool curly tail. After getting her home and realizing she was not a "normal" dog, I did some research and found out about basenjis. Although she looks like a skinny lab puppy with a curly tail, she behaves classic B. I love her so much that I can't imagine life without her. So of course I figured she needed a friend. I wanted another B because I love the quirky personality and independence and intelligence. I contacted BRAT and in March someone e-mailed me that a basenji mix in a shelter in NJ was facing the long green mile. We took Shelby up to meet him and he came home with us. Vince is more lab than basenji but he's a sweetie and I am his slave too.:D
If you were going to add another dog….If I did a purebred, it would be a basenji because I love their independent thought processes. I love imps. but that said, I think I will always go for the pound puppy or rescue dog. They need love and a good home more than anything. I will never have another golder retreiver. They just have too much hair!
Dog discrimination?both of my furkids came from the pound and I have no idea what their puppy history was but dogs live in the now. Most people when they hear that the dogs were rescued, say that they are lucky dogs. It's true that some dogs come with issues but the humans are the ones who create them or don't know how to deal with them. We are supposedly the smarter species so we are the ones who should figure out how to deal with it.
I have basenji mixes and to be honest I do feel a little jealous and inferior to the purebreds but when you see my babies and how healthy and gorgeous they are, well all feelings of inferiority are gone. My sweeties are the best. They are both survivors and exemplify what is best in both breeds that they represent, lab and senji. -
Boxenji w HOD, Basenji's,HeelerThey are all adorable. I love the boxer's underbite. So cute! The B's are beautiful!
New BrotherI'm pretty sure it was the stress of the move. He's eating well today and extremely active. We still have occcasional gas but I'm not sure if it's Vince or Shelby. She can have some silent but deadly gas too depending on what she's eaten. Vince is taking treat biscuits too besides his food so I think we are past that.
Right now they are playing like maniacs, wrestling and chasing. It is awesome to watch. :) The problem now is that I could watch them all day and not get anything done. They are really just like toddlers. My sweet hooligans. They both want what the other has so they steal from each other. Shelby is the sneakier, more imaginative thief. Vince chews on a bone and Shelby barks, runs into the hall so of course Vince follows. Immediately Shelby turns around and grabs the bone while Vince is looking out the window. He comes back into the room and gets this "Hey!! Where's my bone?" kind of look on his face. And Shelby is over in a corner quietly chewing on the bone. :D