I picked up my pup at 8 weeks old from Harmony Hounds. He is now 16 weeks old and a total joy! More expensive than other breeders but we were willing to pay.
Healthy, good looking and gets a long well with my 16 month Basenji.
My son picked up the pup and was provided Sire & Dams linage and testing. My purchase was for a family pet, not to show or breed. We verified all information provided, to ensure we were getting a pup who would not have health issues years from now as we are his forever home.💕
Breeder Help in Southeastern US -
Bumps on puppy's back?Reaction to flea bites? Took my dog to the vet when he was 8 months old due to weird bumps. Found it was a reaction to flea bites. Vet put him on antibiotic and monthly flea stuff and will cleared up. Hopefully your pup has something easy to resolve.💕
reputable breeder?All good!
reputable breeder?I adopted from AllStar Basenji breeder.
Was extremely happy with my pup who is now 1 year old. Healthy, happy, easy to housebreak and good with kids