We just gave our two basneji's Advantix, which we give them every summer and almost immediately the one started biting and licking his back paw and biting at his pad. He will then kick his back leg out like a donkey like it really is bothering him. We bathed him the next day (today) and have given him Benidryl and I am hoping it starts to work but he is currently still licking. HELP!!!:( :confused: It seems to be making him miserable!!
Advantix Allergic Reaction??? -
Ozzie and Lacie settling right innot a lot of trouble, haha. just typical basenji behavior. ozzie loves to get into the bathroom trashcans and destroy as many tissues as he can. he also loves to beg for food, and if you aren't looking for a split second he will snatch it away in a matter of seconds. he is sooo fast! haha. lacie is really good, she doesn't really get into any trouble unless ozzie is doing it first, then she just follows along. they are great basenjis and love to just sleep with you all the live long day haha. oh and they love going to the dog park, apparently another basenji goes there, but we have yet to see him.
Ozzie and Lacie settling right inHere are a few more recent pictures of Ozzie and Lacie. If you remember we got them in the beginning of October through BRAT and they are loving life everyday. Ozzie's favorite thing to do is to eat tissues and paw at your leg until you pet him. Lacie loves to sleep in her little nests she creates and lick your face. They are the greatest little puppies ever! The first one is Ozzie and Lacie. The second one is Ozzie being crazy. The third one is Ozzie pawing me and telling me to pet him. The fourth one is Lacie licking my face and the last one is Ozzie stretching out.
Lacie and OzzieHi, my name is Christina and I am goldenfri's fiance. Today I took a few pictures of our dogs as well as my mom's two basenji's when we brought Lacie and Ozzie over for a play date. It took a little bit to warm up our two dogs with my mom's two dogs, with a few growls and so forth, but eventually it all worked out in the end as you can tell by these great pictures. The first picture if all the dogs piling at the door to see my mom. The next is all the dogs standing on the bay window to look outside at my mom. Our two are the brindle girl in the red collar and the red and white male. The third picture is a closer one of the second. And the forth and final one is when our dog Lacie (left) and my mom's dog Itchy are still standing on the bay window. Enjoy.