Yeah we were doing really well for a while, but it seems Olive is relapsing :(
She's holding it in until right when we get back, sometimes not even willing to walk towards the usual potty spot. She's even started peeing on my clothes ( a shirt or sock if she finds one on the floor). I think I'm gonna shift her meal times to a little later since rushing back home for a lunch feeding isnt always consistent and I can devote more time to watching her carefully.
Olive - 5 month old peeing machine -
How much to let cat ambush?I'm going through the same thing with Olive. My cat is almost 4 years old and like 15 lbs so he isnt afraid of olive but growls and hisses if Olive comes at him fast or make sudden movements near him. His hair never stands up, he just growls and hisses, occasionally bat at her if she doesnt get the point. So far no major risk to the cat or Olive, but I just watch them to see if anything changes since Olive is a pup and I dont know how much more she'll grow (she's a big 5 month puppy so no idea if after spaying she'll be in "normal" basenji size range).
Olive - 5 month old peeing machineAlso, any thoughts on good bell or indicator training? I've been so concerned with getting her outside before she messes inside that I haven't been working on how she can let me know she needs to go out.
Olive - 5 month old peeing machineThanks all. Olive's about 70% house-trained now. She doesn't poop inside or inside her crate. She still pees once in a while on the carpet if I let her out of my sight as well as in her crate occasionally in the middle of the night or when I leave the house for a few hours. SOOOOO glad she's a quick learner ha ha. Gonna start puppy school Sunday after she gets her rabies vaccine and spaying today. Top of the class, here we come!
Olive - 5 month old peeing machineYeah the breeder "said" she was fanconi clear but didn't give me any paperwork when he shipped her. . . took her to the vet today and he said she looked healthy. You might be onto something with the separation anxiety bit since she only seems to relieve herself as soon as I leave the room. More good news though, I had to go pick up a friend from the airport and so left Olive in her crate for about an hour and a half maybe 2 hours after a failed attempt at getting her to relieve herself outside. I expected to come back to her having messed her crate but when I came back, I just found her taking a nap inside instead! I had to step out again but thought what the hell one more attempt couldnt hurt. With no visible signs of needing to eliminate, I took her to the spot I've been taking her for the past 3 days, at night mind you, and she just wandered into a nearby bush, stared me in the eyes and started goin. Both 1 and 2! My neighbors must have though I was insane cuz all I could do was yell "good girl" as she went to town!
Well after that I petted her and praised her a good bit before putting her back in the crate and stepping out for an hour. When I came back she had torn up the puppy pad I placed in the crate but had not otherwise messed it. She's currently at my feet napping, but I can already smell her so a potty break is in order soon lol. Lets hope she's catching on :)
Olive - 5 month old peeing machineI'm using a new wire crate, chucked the old one cuz it was way too big and cheaply made. I got her online, and the breeder isn't super talkative. I had a minor victory with her since my last post actually. Gave her a bowl of water and them took her out, no luck. Then put her in the crate, she immediately peed (tried clapping, making a loud sound, whatever the books say to stop her before she started but she just stared at me and kept goin lol). Cleaned it up and gave her her morning bowl of food and water. Waited a bit, held her on leash near the water bowl. Went outside after about 15 min, saw that her backend was gettin ready so I booked it to the potty spot. Get there and she just seemed frustrated with me, kept tugging on the leash to go back but I just stood there. Eventually she dropped one while on the move, at which point I praised her to high hell and took her in. The war isn't over but feels good to have at least one minor victory lol
Olive - 5 month old peeing machineThanks for the advice all. When I picked her up the crate she travelled in had a piece of carpeting and shreds of newspaper which smelled like she had been consistently peeing on it. Other than that she just keeps peeing in her crate. I wonder if she thinks eliminating in her crate is a surefire ticket out of the crate? She has her first vet trip today but after that it's the crate until she pees outside routine I guess.
Olive - 5 month old peeing machineHey all, just got my first b pup yesterday and have already had numerous accidents in the apartment lol. I know its all about patience and catching her before she gets goin but I just wanted to see if any of you had helpful tips to make the process easier. She's 5 months old and went the first night without needing a potty break or messing her crate. She whimpers when she wants to be let out but she's already showin her crafty nature by whimpering right when I put her in the crate but not eliminating or even looking to eliminate when I immediately take her outside :D . I took her out about 8 times today with no luck lol. The area I took her to is frequently visited by other neighbors dogs so I assume she can smell that other dogs use the area but still not even a sniff around for a potential potty spot. I'm only on day 2 with her and she's crackin me up, just fear I'll be going through gallons of pet stain remover before we get a week under our belt :rolleyes:
Running with pup?Thanks all, Olive just arrived. She's a bundle of awesome :)
Running with pup?Hey all, I'll be getting my first basenji pup January 7th, she'll be about 18 weeks old by then. I've done a ton of reading and whatnot and my only question (at this point at least) is how long before I can start taking the lil troublemaker for runs alongside me? I know they're fast so I'm wondering if this is even possible since I'll definitely be slower than she will be at top speed ha ha. One of my books said waiting 8 months before trying to jog/run with the puppy since her body won't be fully developed and prepared for the stress of running til then. I'm also concerned she might get the idea that every time we go outside is running time, which I certainly don't want to be the case. Thoughts?
Basenjis and cats – Prey or Friends?So I've committed to getting a brindle basenji pup January 7th. She'll be about 18 weeks old by then so hopefully not too old to cultivate a healthy, non-homicidal relationship with my cat. The wait is killing me, feels worse than waiting for christmas day as a kid ha ha.
Basenjis and cats – Prey or Friends?Hey all, I'm really interested in getting a Basenji but I have a few concerns. I've combed through this thread and read both the happy stories and the less than happy ones but I'm still on the fence. I then looked at some youtube videos of a basenji with a cat or cats and felt a little better. The thing I noticed was that any cat that would defend itself the basenji wouldn't "hunt to kill", rather it would just chase and wrestle. The cats obviously fought a little harder since they probably perceived it as more life and death than the basenji. So on to my situation I suppose. . .
I live in an apartment, with only one cat who I've had since he was a kitten for 3 years now. This cat has travelled all over the country with me and I don't know if it's just his nature or bad socializing on my part when he was a kitten but he's kind of a jerk lol. He rarely claws but will "attack" hands and feet of almost anyone who tries to force interactions with him except the occasional girl I bring over (haven't figured out yet what "combination" of physical characteristics he likes in women lol) and myself of course. I got a cat since my student lifestyle meant I could be gone for long weekends or weeks and needed a pet that could handle itself for those lengths of time well. Now I am settling down, planning to buy a house soon so I'd like a dog and the Basenji seems like a perfect fit. . . except for all the contradicting views I'm seeing in regards to their interactions with cats. I want to know will I have a better shot by starting with a puppy so the cat can have a fair fight and start a healthy relationship with the pup early or should I look for an older dog that would be more aloof when it comes to the cat? I mean ideally I want a pup, I like the bond you build with raising an animal, but I'm alright with building a bond with a grown-up pup too. Also, is it better to wait til I get a house or is it ok to start the basenji out with me in my apartment and move with me to a house? I'm very excited about this breed and am obviously eager to get one as soon as possible. Also, does anyone know of any good Basenji breeders/rescue groups near the Los Angeles area? Thanks in advance for your help!