North Kansas City, Missouri has just opened a brand new dog park. For anyone interested it is located on the 32 nd St city limit between NKC and KC. Bounded east and west by N Oak Trafficway on the west, and Cherry St on the east. We havent had our pack there to play yet, the 3 of them love to play in their own l;ittle pack but dont play well with others as they tend to get a little rough and non B people dont understand that is just B's at play.

New Dog Park -
Shedding BasenjiBefore we started to collec basenji'we were very into asiatic spitz breeds, The shiba inu is very similar to B's, specially in temperment. If you want to talk about shedding, the Japanese akita ,shiba inus and the Korian jindo shed twice a year. The have very heavy winter coats and for a month in spring our gome looked like we had decorated with beige fur.
Electric CollarI'm not familiar with the shock collar. What I'm curious about is what do you do when someone has two males who won't recall. Would I have to have two collars that would work on diferent frquencies?
Lost basenji in ILTwo weekends ago Mr Baroo and Buddy found a weak spot in the 8 foot fence around their half acre playground and went exploring. Talk about a frantic couple, Karin and I spent 26 and a half hours searching and advertising the escape. The one thing that we had done just in case, was having their name, address and phone number engraved on their dog tags. On the second day Karin answered the phone and a very nice lady informed us that the boys had been visiting her 2 dogs for a 2 day play date. When we got them home we told them that next time they wanted to explore they had to do it from our car.
Is my new rescue a basenji mix?To be totally honest, He seems to have more Basenji traits than anything else. Large expressive ears is one of them, Most B mixes will have white paws ( feet, legs or toes) most will have some white on their chest. While B's don't bark, naturally, they can learn to do so. 2 of our 3 will give a single bark but then usually end with the normal Basenji yodel. Mr Baroo and Bitty learned to bark playing fence tag with our neighbor's beagles
Old face, new babySome years ago , before we were married, my wife had a pair if B's that she showed until she retired them. When we met, somehow I talked her into getting a Shiba Inu, and eventually another. Because of her experiences with B's she kept telling me how similar they were to our Shiba's. About 4 years ago I saw an ad in the Star, for a 2 yo female B, her owners had never had a dog, let alone a B, and they had no idea how to get along with B's. The poor baby was terribly hand shy, would growl and snap if you disciplined her. As I am retired and Karin works full time from home it fell to me to try and fix this poor baby. After 6 months she learned to cuddle, slept curled up under my arm every night, and was a total fsce kisser.
The main point to this story, I fell in love with Basenji's and we now have 3, simply proving that like Lays Potato Chips, you can't have just 1 Basenji. -
Basenji mix in Overland Park, Ks.My wife called this pretty guy to my attention this morning. He is listed on Craigs List, Kansas City. He is a good looking mixed having all the major traits, Curved but not curled tail, all four feet are white, he will and can bark but reluctantly, just over one year and well behaved. It's really funny, we have adopted 2 boys from BRAT but havent the foggiest idea who we should contact to get him on BRAT's available list. Only way i know how to contast the owner is through Kansas City's Craigs List, there is an email address. I would be delighted to foster him except for the the law in North Kansas City limits us to 3 dogs per household unless you hace a breeders license, and the fact we already have 2 males in house. His name is Rango, he is listed in the pet section of Craigs List.
Birthdays and moreI'm pretty sure the prey drive is so totally ingrained that you might as well simply praise them and forget it. Mr Baroo and Buddy, AKA Bubba have developed the team hunt to prfection, we find the remains of birds, rabbits, squirrils and O'possims at least one a week now that they have teamed up. ;)
HelloLol, the expression says "don't mess with me.", which is typical in a B+JRT. Welcome to the Forum, B people are pretty nice.
Who says Basenjis can't get along?Yeah, 'don't allow' dosen't count with the gang of hoodlums we have, We don't allow counter surfering, but they just don't seem to understand unless we speak fluent basenji.
Lion and TiggerWhat a great group, Lion looks an aweful lot like our Itty Bitty Basenji
Thinking of adding a third basenjiI do have to agree, adopting Buddy, on a whim could have gone terribly wrong but Buddy and Baroo are still play buddies. The only time that they have had a real difference was last month when they caught and killed a squirril and fought over the kill. There were bloody ears, and legs, and a trip to the vet, but they still play chase and run the Missouri 500 around their half acre yard. Buddy grumbles a little when he thinks Baroo has gotten the choice spot under the covers with Dad, but they still sleep in a tangle.
Hello from Queensland, AustraliaHi, and welcome to the Forum, furlady and Zuri. Sorry but I had to laugh at your remark about training. Unless you can make Zuri believe that it is her idea training will frustrate you. Once upon a time B's were known as Congo Terriers, but there isn't one bit of terrier mentality in B's. Just love her to death, spoil her rotten and she will do anything you ask of her.
LokiIn our house, the cats and dogs all act interchangeably, Bitty, our little girl B can uaually be found in the cat igloo on chilly days, and our grey tabby, Sassy, is quite often found sleeping in one of the B's beds on the futon.
Dehyrdation - Dog almost refuses to drink the new tap water.The RAW diet website says to not feed a combination of raw and kibble as the kibble takes so much longer to digest and is likely to cause stomach upset.
Poopy behaviorsHave never noticed this behavior in a B but we did have a pair of Shiba Inu's and a Jindo that would do it occasionally.
Thought I had it all figured out…In my 70 plus years on this earth I have been posessed by many different breeds of dogs, from Toy Poodles to GSD's and Malamutes. About 5 years ago , totally by accident, I saw an ad in the Sunday paper that said, " Free to a good home, 2yo female Basenji." I called and spoke with the wife and she said that they just couldn't cope with 'her'. The wife and I drove over to look at 'her. My wife had been a Basenji lover when she was young and her first comment when the husband brought the dog out of the house was, " that is the ugliest Basenji I have ever seen". Which maeant that I fell in love with her on the spot. After a short negotiation we took, 'Casey' home, and found that she would not answer to her name, was very hand shy, which told me that one of her people was hitting her, and loved to chew holes in any clothing that was left within her reach. Because she was really quite small for a 2yo I nicknamed her 'itty bitty Basenji' and Bitty just seemed to fit. It took about 2 months for her to stop chewing clothes, but only one night for her to let me know that she intended to sleep under the covers of my bed whenever I was in it. In the 5 years we have had Bitty, we have adopted Mr Baroo, a beautiful r/w, who is now almost 5, and last August we adopted Baroo's Buddy a handsome r/w brindle, thus making us died in the wool B people. Whenever I am asked why we have adopted 3 B's I tell the asker that Basenji's are like Lay's Potato Chips, you cant just have one.
Just a GROWING boy.Buddy isn't a lap lover, he does like to lean against my leg and rest his head on my lap. Mr Baroo does like to lay across your lap with his head on your elbow, and Bitty loves to stand on your lap with her front legs around your neck and snort in your ear.
Just a GROWING boy.So true, I was aware that he was looking bigger but it really didn't register just how much until the vet tech announced that he had gained over 7 pounds since his last weigh-in.
Just a GROWING boy.I mentioned recently that our newest B, Mr Baroo's Buddy, weighed in at just over 19 pounds at his initial vet visit. He had to go in for his 6 month check up and boosters last week and although he does look bigger he is not by any means over weight. You can still see his ribcage and has a beautiful lean look, however his weigh in this time showed him at 26.8 pounds. His new nickname is Horseasaurus.