A long time I was gone
Developed inheritance of color in the basenji.
Have fun
Coat Color Inheritance in basenji -
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiI am beginning to be wrong.I'm going to sleep until tomorrow. (11 _55 PM)
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiTiva helping me, thank you
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiLetter D intense color
letter d lightened the color -
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiletter "a" located in the locus A
letter y,t,w,a, talking about hair color
otherwise you can not save -
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiBig Y is a red
small y - tricolor,saddle,agouti and recesiv gen.Can not have four different meanings -
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiexample
red x whait Dd kk ayay
black x white
Dd KbrK ayayDD Kk ayay = black x white
Dd Kk ayay = black x white
dd Kk ayay = blue (german dog)
DD Kbrk ayay = brindle
Dd Kbrk ayay = brindle
dd Kbrk ayay = fawn brindletwo
red x white Dd kk ayat
black x white Dd KbrK ayatpossible combination
DD Kk ayat = black
Dd Kk ayat = black
dd Kk ayat = blue (german dog)
DD Kk atat =black (mask tricolor)
Dd Kk atat = black (mask tricolor)
dd Kk atat = blue tricolor
DD Kbrk ayay = brindle
Dd Kbrk ayat = brindle
DD Kbrk atat = trindle
Dd Kbrk ayat = brindle
dd Kbrk ayay = blue brindle
dd Kbrk ayat = blue brindle
dd Kbrk atat = blue trindle -
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiDd kk ayay , Dd kk ayat, Dd kk ayaw, Dd kk ayas, Dd kk aya
DD Kk ayay = black
Dd Kk ayay = black
dd Kk ayay = Blue (dog German)
dd Kbrk ayay = blue brindle
DD Kbrk ayay = brindle
Dd Kbrk ayay = brindleDdKbrK ayat
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiYou your entry does not apply to Basenji.is incorrect.
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiBlue Fawn - http://www.basenji.org/african/Siri.htm
dd kk a^ya^y -
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiSaddle - http://www.basenji.org/african/B_Tena.htm (czaprakowy)
DD Kk a^sa^s and (a^sa) -
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiBbRr itd do not relate to race Basenji
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiI must flee.
greet -
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiThis is the agouti
Coat Color Inheritance in basenji -
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiY is ay
y is at,aw,as,a -
Coat Color Inheritance in basenji -
Coat Color Inheritance in basenjiLet me give my example
my bitch Abotere's Zulika is red ant white.
father Abotere's Mogli - brindle white
mother Abotere's Zhenga - brindle whitein brackets are other possibilities red
father DD Kbrk ayay(ayat,ayaw,ayas,a)
mother DD Kbrk ayay(ayat,ayaw,ayas,a)Zulika is a red and white.
Parents received one literce k
DD kk ayay(ayat,ayaw,ayas,a)Zulika bore children father is Abotere's Wazhiri(tri color DD kk atat)
Only two alleles atat tri color showPuppies were born, all red and white
the children I know that design is only one
all carry the tri gene (at), but it is masked by a gene (ay)