Yes, she is eating normally again. We have 2 bowls of water for her to drink out of but she doesn't drink a lot. We are going to ask our vet if we should add some wet food to her kibble. Her bowel movements are fine and she doesn't seem constipated but I know Basenjis are known for not drinking a lot of water.
Eating habits have changed -
Eating habits have changedI buy a 27 pound bag which lasts a couple of months and we are about a month in on this bag. There have been no changes in our life. We are pretty routine people. She has 3 bowls of water throughout the house at her disposal at all times. She gets the same amount of treats (1 for each time she goes potty or poop), an occasional non-rawhide treat, and we have a licky mat that we put peanut butter on when we are leaving for work each day. I can try putting some water on her food to see if she will eat it that way. She was spayed prior to us getting her. Her weight is the same, 19 pounds. Her mouth appears fine. I will contact the vet this week if I don't see improvement.
Eating habits have changedI have a 2 1/2 year old Basenji that we rescued 10 months ago. She has been a joy! She loves us sooo much, and howls with excitement when we get home from work. She is very active when we take her out and she plays ball, and goes for daily walks. And then when we are inside, she lays right next to us and sleeps. Well, we have been feeding her 1/2 cup of dry kibble twice a day in a puzzle bowl because she used to eat too fast. She has stopped showing interest in eating her dog food. We tried putting her food in a regular dish since she eats more slowly now. She is basically eating 1 meal a day now, but we have to keep encouraging her to eat. We are still using the same bag of food so it isn't like the formula changed. She used to have a very healthy appetite and now shows zero interest in eating.
She will eat people food with no problem so it isn't that she has no appetite. Suggestions?
Basenji/Beagle mix??Do you think my rescue dog, Millie, is a Basenji/Beagle mix? She is 2 years old, and weighs 18 pounds. She yips, howls, rarely barks, has the curly tail, initially dislikes other dogs that she meets, very territorial, very loving, sleeps a lot, plays very hard, and is very loyal and sweet. I love her to pieces! She does remind me of a cat's personali