Thank you all for your thoughts & concern. They did do an ultrasound also & all checked out OK ~~ Getting her to drink water & some milk last night. Woke up OK this morning & took her for a VERY SHORT walk (about 16 feet) She came back in, went to all of her favorite places in the house & I had my other girls talk/pet her (just in case) & after her favorite (the 3 year old) gave her a kiss on the head I took about 1 min with her & she took 3 breaths & passed away @ 3:30 today. :-(
HELP ~ What to do? -
HELP ~ What to do?My 8 year old Basenji has STOPPED eating! Tuesday she threw up / Wed was fine; Thursday laid in her spot all day & threw up 3 times; Vet on Friday & did all kinds of tests & cannot find anything wrong! No blockages as they did a Barium test & all was OK. Friday didn't eat all day / Saturday still wont eat (not even hamburger!) Any suggestions / ideas?:confused: