I live in the dayton area too!

Hello from Lindsey and Leo! -
Pictures from Lindsey and Leo!Thanks! I don't think he's a mix..that's not what I was in for anyways. The breeder assured me he was a pure basenji. Are his markings strange?
Pictures from Lindsey and Leo!Here are some pictures of Leo!
Camping!So my husband and I have recently discovered backpacking. Last spring we took Leo (with his own backpack) on a 4 mile hike. He loves it! We would love it though if he could camp with us too. Has anyone ever tried keeping their basenji in their tent? Our tent is kinda pricey and we are afraid he will have a hyper snap, get too nervous,and/or mark his territory…I've been reading on here that a tired basenji is a good one, and a 4-5 mile hike does make for a tired Leo! Any backpackers out there want to give some advice?
Hello from Lindsey and Leo!Hi, my name is Lindsey and I'm from Ohio. My husband and I adopted our first basenji last January. Leo is now a little over a year old. As you can tell from the picture he is black and white. I haven't seen many black and whites…does this mean anything? We knew that basenjis could be a handful before Leo came along, but we don't always know how to handle it, so I'm thankful for some supportive advice :) Although he can be rotten, his cuddle time seems to make up for all the lost socks. Can't wait to meet more basenji lovers!