My basenji, Zoey, has always grabbed other dogs (and my cat) by the neck…she's been doing this since I brought her home at 9 weeks of age. My 100 lb rottweiler mix doesn't mind at all, and even my cat tolerates it. There must be some reason why she does this to nearly every animal she meets. She is extremely gentle, but sometimes I worry that another dog may get the wrong idea. Is this a common basenji trait? Perhaps she's just crazy!

Gently grabbing other animals by the neck? -
Any ny basenjis?I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you had responded. I thought I'd get an email. Zoey is definately NOT good off leash. It would be great to find a fenced area…I know there is a dog park (with a small dog area) near me, but I don't know how you feel about driving. (I've commuted for years, so I'm used to it). I could probably call Bear Mountian the park to see if they allow dogs. I'm working tomorrow, but I'll try to find out on Tuesday.
Also, there is some sort of an event in Woodstock, NY (beautiful town), sponsored by the Rip Van Winkle Basenji Club. I am totally new to all of this stuff, so I'm not sure what goes on there, but here is a link....I thought you might be interested. If I'm not working I may go just to check it out.
Any ny basenjis?Hi Benti, my basenji is almost 5 months. Her name is Zoey. Do they allow dogs at Bear Mountian State Park? It would be nice to meet.
I've discovered why basenjis unstuff furniture!Yes, it was a nice couch at one time…not anymore, lol. She was all the way inside of it, just stuck her nose out when I called her name.
Any ny basenjis?I am in NY… Orange County. Would love to meet other Basenji owners. Less than an hour from the TZ Bridge.
I've discovered why basenjis unstuff furniture!Sorry if this is posted twice. Thought I posted it, and then I couldn't find it
I've discovered the reason that Basenjis like to unstuff furniture!!! -
My pekingse owning parents did not appreciate my baseji!!! LOLCatipillars disguised in fur describes them exactly! It isn't just that Zoey is a basenji, they would have had a problem with any dog. I can not even begin to describe how dememted my parents are when it comes to their dogs. I'd tell you a few stories but I'd be embarrassed that I'm related to them! Zoey didn't really act crazy…she was extremely well behaved. And yes, it is sad their dogs aren't allowed to play. The younger of the two really wanted to, but you know, "they can get their eyes scratched out"! OMG
My pekingse owning parents did not appreciate my baseji!!! LOLThank God we aren't the only ones. And she was on her best behavior!
PlaydateWow, great action pics.
My pekingse owning parents did not appreciate my baseji!!! LOLMy parents have two pekingse whom they adore. My husband and I drove from NY where we live, to GA (where they retired) for a visit. We brought our wonderful 5 month old basenji girl, Zoey. It was nearly a disaster.
My parents dogs aren't allowed to play, because, according to my father, "they might get their eyes scratched out"….Zoey wasn't allowed to be in the kitchen when their dogs' dinner was served, because it was a distraction, etc. We are SOOO happy to be heading home (how crazy is it that we are happy to be in the car for the next 15 hours). They just couldn't appreciate Zoey...she's the best, despite my ruined couch and all of our chewed up underware!
New puppy crate screamingMy puppy is 13 weeks old. She did exactly the same thing when we brought her home. If not for my husband I would have given up. After a week she went right to sleep when we put her in. Stick with it!
The love of fuzz?!I have a 13 week old basenji puppy who LOVES anything fuzzy. She will attack fuzzy boots or socks while they are on your feet. The hood of a fuzz lined jacket… anything!
I thought I'd read that this was common among basenjis, but I googled it tonight and didn't get any results. Is my dog crazy or is this a common trait?
Puppy behaviorI agree about the puppy class. Good for socialization but way to distracting (although I must say, I think she's doing the best in the class, LOL). I've looked at clicker training. I'm barely coordinated enough to carry the treats and walk the puppy. I don't think I could master the clicker too. The trainer suggested using the word "yes" in place of the clicker. Same concept I guess. What is targetting? A method?
Another behavior that I'm not crazy about is that every time I walk toward her, either to pet her or take her outside, she darts in the other direction, trying to get away from me. I think she associated me comming toward her with going out in the cold to pee. I'm trying spend more time going to her to pet her and give her a treat.
Puppy behaviorWe are working on it at home. The trainer has me starting with her on my side in a sitting position, then using treats, leading her so the leash is loose. She demonstrated on a huge swiss mountain dog and it looked easy…but with a little puppy I'm walking all hunched over to give her the treats. I think that if she could figure out what I want from her, she would do it.
I think that your suggestion of restraining her when she nips makes a lot more sense than ignoring her. What we are doing now only seems to make her go more crazy. Fortunately, she doesn't nip hard, but I think it's a behavior that should be discouraged.
Are you still showing your dog? I have been to exactly one dog show and that was last week. It was fun to watch. Funny story about your puppy!
Sick Dog Question– help, please?!I know that people become extremely confused due to high ammonia levels. This is usually a liver related problem. Not sure it applies to dogs but it was the first thing that came to my mind.
Puppy behaviorFrom reading the posts of others I guess most of these are normal puppy behaviors, but still, I'm looking for reassurance. I have my my 12 week old puppy in a basic puppy class. In the first class we learned "sit" and "down" both of which she can do successfully for treats. Second class we started working on leash walking. I don't think my puppy (zoey) is understanding what I want from her. I realize that basenjis aren't the easiest to train and I don't care about having a perfectly behaved dog, but leash walking is pretty important to me.
Also, a problem I'm having is nipping… How do I discourage this behavior? I know they say to yelp and then turn away but she will continue to nip even after you turn your back to her. It's playful behavior but she goes crazy! She attacks my daughters clothes...while she's wearing them!
I promised her breeder that I'd try to show her. Ive never shown a dog before so it's all new to me, but I can't imagine having her ready to walk on a leash and do the "pose" show dogs are supposed to do by 6 months of age!
I know this is a lot of issues...I figured I'd put them all in one post.
All help is welcomed.
Puppy VaccinesBuddys pal.. I agree that I can not say for sure if the vaccines are fresh or if they are kept cool enough. I do know that they came cold, packed in a cooler with an ice pack. I am a nurse, not a vet, but it's enough to make me aware that it's possible that even at the vets office they may not be stored the way they are supposed to be.
EEEEfarm… interesting point. I've been giving vaccines to people for 20 years. Of course there is always epi available in a hospital, but not necessarily immediately available. Fortunately, in those 20 years I've never seen an alergic reaction.
I give the vaccines at home because about 3 years ago I took two rescue dogs (not basenjis) to the vet. They were somewhat behind, but had received some of their vaccines. Between the cost of the vet visit, getting caught up on their shots and an infection in one ear, I left $950 poorer. I could have provided a home for another animal for that kind of money.
Puppy VaccinesI know this is probably a big topic but my puppy has a vet appointment soon and I want some advice about which vaccines she should recieve. My girl is now 12 weeks old. At around 10 weeks she received the distemper and parvo vaccine as the breeder recommended. I highly doubt that my vet has ever cared for a basenji, so I want to go in armed with info. Also, this is my first basenji, so is there anything else I should discuss while I'm there?
All advice is appreciated. I'm sure that there are many "right" answers.
I have another dog who I give a "5 way" to once/year. I order it online and give it myself. Would this be OK after the first year? I've been a nurse for a long, long time and I'm comfortabe giving the shots. Just need to know exactly what to give, and when.
Thank you!
How does litterbox training fit into housebreaking?I have a 10 week old puppy that I'm crate training. She's doing pretty well but does have accidents because, as I mentioned in a previous post, no one in my family watches her as closely as they should when I'm at work. Fortunately, I work nights 7pm-7am (3 night/week) so she's asleep most of the time that I'm gone. She does make it outside the vast majority of the time.
When she does go in the house she usually goes on my older dog's bed. I guess because it's absorbant.
So, I see a lot of talk here about litterboxes. I have never heard of litterbox training a dog and I'm curious how it works. I don't really like the idea of the her peeing or pooing in the house at all, but since I'm having this problem I think its better than letting her go on the dog bed. Will it slow down the housebreaking at all?