yeah, it makes everyone who was in the room scatter, not me though, i've been around them so much I am immune.
Im New and Glad to be here! -
Do I look like a basenji?what is MHO?
Im New and Glad to be here!My name is Kody, I am a 1.5 y/o basenji mutt. My favorite things are to go to the park and play with my doggy friends, play with my friends at daycamp, and play ball with my mom. When my mom isnt around I am either playing ball by myself(I can throw it pretty far by myself :-) or I am playing with my sister echo, the shepherd husky mix. I love cuddling, love getting my butt rubbed, and I love doing tricks for treats, ok I don't love it because my mom makes me. I know sit, down, high five (she makes me jump for it, so MEAN) I know paw, bow, play dead(I groan and grunt before i truely die, more dramatic). I am not 100% sure I am part basenji, or a relative of the basenji, but everyone thinks I am, or when I don't have my collar on i look like a dingo. My flaws, I have bad gas. Never want to be in the room when I just have one single treat, it goes on all night. HEH. Thats all about me, whatya think?
Do I look like a basenji?I don't know if basenjis and podengos have the same eyes. but when I look at pics of grande podengos they have the EXACT eye collar and shape as kody, he is also kind of lean and muscular, just like the description, ears, just he has tan spots on the whites of his legs and dark spots on his skin, and I don't think podengos have that, just basenjis.
Do I look like a basenji?I have loked at podengos too, however, kody has the same marking under his skin like basenjis do, i don't think podengos have that. unless i am confused. the dog that I have seen closest to him was a wild dog in india.
Do I look like a basenji?i am in milwaukee
Do I look like a basenji?I got mine from the wisconsin humane society. He almost died of parvo. I don't know if he had other litter mates and they were already adopted a month before him or if they didn't make it. I forgot to ask that. but they didn't say.
Do I look like a basenji?i added to close ups.
Do I look like a basenji?He didnt bark when i first got him, or make a noise, got him from the humane society. we have a shepherd husky at home and when he started barking two weeks later it was a mimic. we couldn't tell the two dogs a part. now that he is older its easier. But he makes some of the funniest noises. Doesn't bark much. Mostly talks, whines. Talks and makes the funniest noises when he is playing. never heard a dog make. Highpitched when he is playing. low pitch when he is frustrated.
Do I look like a basenji?Go Into my profile, look at Kody Album. What do you think i am? DO I look like a basenji?