I am having the same problem with my male puppy. He has jsut recently experienced rain and I started picking him up and taking him to the grass but I am afraid I reinforced him for not going out. Any thoughts on carrying vs. literally having to drag him out to an appropriate spot?
Rain Desensitization? -
Peeing on the couchI had a smiliar situation 2 weeks after having my male neutered! He is now 8 months old and I never had a problem with him peeing on the furniture until last week. He peed on the couch once and then 2 days later peed on another piece of furniture in the living room and shortly after I cleaned it up he peed on the couch again.
I was working inside the house and my dog was soaking up some sun. When I entered the living room the dogg was in his original position - I was not doing any work or making loud noises.
My assumption is that he was "angry" with me because I was out of town for a couple of days. But I travel frequently for shrot trips and have had attitude before but never this.
Any thoughts? Or do you think that as he gets older he is uping the "attitude ante"?