Okay - I've just read that all tests done after a certain date are direct… woo!! Thank you all so much!

Health Information for New Basenji Owners -
Health Information for New Basenji OwnersOh that's good to know - thank you! Here are her results - is this the direct test?
I will get the other test done as well - thank you all so much for the information!
Health Information for New Basenji OwnersWell, I've just read through some more information (sorry, I'm not that experienced at forums (I haven't even been on here in a loooong time!) and my first search confused me).
So, people are generally still strip-testing frequently after having the test done, it seems. My girl is 8 1/2, I'll keep on keeping on! :) -
Health Information for New Basenji OwnersAfter doing Urine Test Strip tests for years, we had the Fanconi DNA test done on our girl. Now, she is a rescue dog (from an abusive puppy mill situation >:( grrr), and is fixed, but I was wanting to not have to do the urine test every month for the rest of her life, especially since we can no longer get the test strips locally.
The test came back as "carrier," but not as "affected." According to the data included, the disease will never manifest and I no longer have to do the test strips. I am wondering if anyone else is in this situation. I want to trust what the paper said, but I am thinking of doing the urine test periodically anyway - is this overkill?
Thank you for any responses. -
Basanji pawsThank you so much!! I feel lucky to have her, also! I think that she will be able to completely recover with time. Luckily, I stay at home, and that makes a big difference. I'm sure that it will take a year or two, perhaps more, but she's so smart and is doing so much better already that I have great expectations! Lots of licks to you all from Star!
Thanks again!! -
Basanji pawsWell, I will definitely have it checked out. She hasn't "scooted" or anything - I've totally seen dogs do that, though… it's just the smell, and only when she is stressed about something/chewing the couch/hears a loud noise (we've had her for almost three months now and she definitely is a different dog, but she is still a bit skiddish. after three years in a puppy mill, it will take time for her to rehabilitate... lots of love has done wonders already, though!!).
Hm. Well, thank you all so much for the information! I appreciate the forum very much! And, I finally figured out how to add pictures!! So, in case you want to check out li'l Starla Pancake ;)!! -
Basanji pawsOH!! Do I need to have that taken care of? I've heard that a groomer can make their bums less itchy (she's never shown a sign of being itchy there… so...), when the glands need to be pressed, or released, or something (excuse my ignorance!).
Please let me know, and thanks a bunch for the information!! -
Basanji pawsI totally noticed that paw thing the day we rescued Starla!! As for corn chips :) …
Can anyone tell me if Basenjis can "spray," though? We've noticed that if Starla is doing something naughty or if she's nervous, she makes a skunky smell. ... I googled it and didn't pull anything up. Thanks a bunch!!! -
Help with furniture and shoe and etc. chewingI am blissfully relieved!!! We've had Starla out of her crate for two nights and she curls up at my feet and sleeps through the night!! The only problem is if my husband has to get up early and it isn't dark anymore, then she gets upset, but we can work on that!! I am so happy! Thanks everyone for your support and suggestions!!!
Help with furniture and shoe and etc. chewingIndeed!! It's the bully stick that she liked… and she's really into her Kong Wubba that I got at the same time... although it's only the first full day she's had it and it's already torn a bit. But that's okay, she did that initially really quick and then I think she realized that she liked it and so stopped outright destroying it! She loves to get that ball in her mouth and make it squeak! She even slept with it on the couch - it was awesome! Thanks again for all of the advise... I think we're going to go crateless tonight and see how it goes! Wish us luck!!!
Help with furniture and shoe and etc. chewinglol!!!!! Well, Starla is two, but might as well be two months for her lack of any and all experience! She has dragged a pair of my pants out of the laundry room and she loves to lick my husband's socks when he isn't here (ew, but at least he isn't a "stinky feet" type!!), but I've always caught her!! I think if we dog proof a lot we can pull it off… and I'm good at dogproofing because of my parents' aforementioned looney dog tall beagle/pit who STILL, at six years old, will do things like chew my Dad's electric razor to the point of non-recognition if he leaves it on the counter (she easily jumps onto their counters!!! yikes!!) :) Thanks again!!! :) :)
Help with furniture and shoe and etc. chewingThank you!! I will try it, indeed! I really REALLY want her to be happy and well-adjusted, and it just seems that the crate is NOT working for her… I understand the advantages of having them "crate trained," but she's been crated for 2 years!! I think we'll just go for it. We even tried the pheromone spray in the crate last night and it seemed like it made it worse!!! I don't know... I don't think she can ever not think of it as traumatic... THANKS ALL!!!
Help with furniture and shoe and etc. chewingThank you! I went right out and bought one (well, I have to drive to another town, but got right on it since this morning we're looking at 6" of snow and it's still falling hard - sideways (that's Wyoming for ya)… She really LOVES it!! They smell awful, though! Thanks for the tips - I LOVE the sandbox idea!!! I appreciate all of the info you all have shared!! Thanks!!
Help with furniture and shoe and etc. chewingI don't know if she's destructive at night or not… I mean, the second night we left her out for most of the night, and she eventually went to sleep, but I got up really early cuz I was nervous about it... So... I don't know!!! We've been "doggie proofing" the room, but she has gnawed on our couch and on blankets, and obviously we have our bed in our room :), so I guess that's the main thing she could get other than the fact that our air purifier is plugged in where she could get to the cord. We've been thinking about how to remedy that... I just need to get sleep or I get migraines, so I can't have a situation where I never get normal sleep, ya' know? It's so hard and sad to get her in the crate, though!!! :( Thanks for any input!!!
Help with furniture and shoe and etc. chewingShe is doing well… but I am wondering if anyone has any info about NOT crating Basenjis at night... we would eventually like her to just sleep on her bed in our room (the crate is in the room....). Any input? Please keep in mind that she was crated for a LONG time, almost two years... THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!! -joyful regards.
Help with furniture and shoe and etc. chewingK that one's kinda crappy…. here's another one...
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a399/nuthin_original/P1030598.jpg -
Help with furniture and shoe and etc. chewing -
Help with furniture and shoe and etc. chewingThank you thank you thank you!! I will try to figure out how to put pictures on here… I am just looking into the e-pen!! I live in a really small town, so I am almost positive I won't be able to get it here, unless the "Cowboy Corner Feed Store" has them... ?? I'm going to go look before I order online. Thanks again!! The encouragement really makes a difference in this adventure!!!
Help with furniture and shoe and etc. chewingThank you all SO much!!! I haven't really been "correcting," per se, anyway… and not at all for the door scratching... I don't really know how to go about doing that (correcting) with a Basenji, as I've read (in my obsessive reading about them) that they are very proud and must always "save face." I've said "no" in a rumbley way when she's mouthed my son's arm... I don't know if that's the right thing to do!! I've read several positive dog training books and she just doesn't seem to respond to anything. I do "switch her" when she's chewing things with one of her toys and say, enthusiastically, "Starla's toy!!" but she rarely takes them. We haven't even found a treat she really, really likes. She'll eat the Newman's Own Chicken ones, but not particularly enthusiastically. She won't even touch some of them. I'm getting quite a collection! Peggy at Colorado Basenji recommended freeze dried liver bits, and we ordered some, but you can't give too many of those. I don't know... I've had yet another semi-sleep night, and am at my wits end...
I think I'll get on that x-pen right away! I mean, can she be rehabilitated? She'll eventually not chew everything and relax at night... right? I can't live with no rest... :( sigh...
On the bright side, she's not had an accident in almost three days (she wasn't house trained at all, according to the rescue, although she's never pood inside here), which is great!! I just have to watch carefully for the non-lying-down type of circling and then rush her out and praise lavishly when she's peeing outside... so that's good!!
Thank you all SO MUCH for the responses - it is most, most appreciated!! Kind regards! -Kim -
Help with furniture and shoe and etc. chewingThanks … that's what I'm trying to do so far.... I really hope that I am up to the challenge, as I desperately want to give her the best that I can!!