Please tell Debbie we are still waiting for the major win pic for Zaharah, these Florida photographers are slower than dirt. Nothing like the Ashbey brothers! I just love my girl, and can't wait for her to finish! Janice
Mata Hauri Basenjis -
Mata Hauri BasenjisI know, that Debbie breeds for health, and good temperment. You couldn't ask for a nicer lady, or a sweeter Baseji. My applaud to the Mata Hauri line!!!And, aren't these wonderful dogs, lucky, to have owners like us??? There is some 30+ homeless Basenis rescued from abuse here in Florida, some adults some puppies…My heart cries out, for loving homes, such as yours and mine. I moved to FL from Connecticut, and my B's have adjusted so well because of careful breeders, like Debbie. Janice
Mata Hauri BasenjisI got Zaharah from Debbie in 2006. She is the sweetest, kindest Basenji ever!! I am showing her now, a bit late, but she is doing some nice winning now, and although I have 2 others from different breeders, my B's have great temperments. I consider myself honored, to have one of the Mata Hauri exceptional wonderful Basenjis. Janice M
Mata Hauri BasenjisI got my girl, in 2006, from Debbi Hauri, at a Boston show. This brindle girl, is the sweetest,most loving, gentle animal in my household. I also have 2 other Zenjis, and they are also sweet…but my Mata Hauri girl, Zaharah, is the best temperment Basenji ever!! Consider yourself honored to have one of Debbie's dogs.., as I am honored to have this wonderful show girl. Janice
$2500 [cdn] Basenji?This line of Basejis is a high quality and carefully bred dog. If you are planning to show, this may be something you would consider. However, if you are looking for a good quality pet, all breeders produce puppies of non show quality, and can be purchased for a much lower price, and can be neutered, as a good house companion. Remember, that tempermant is of the utmost importance, and choose your puppy wisely.
My Poor Baby Gets Attacked!I am a retired canine control officer.. In my State, this is completely against the law. Not only is this woman in line for a summons for allowing her dog off leash, but she is responisble for your vet bill costs!! Do not hesitate to call animal control and report this.. her dog was out of the owner's control, and she is liable for the damages incurred to your precious baby. Although large dogs need a dog park too, I know there are times specified in other States, where large dogs can play, and small dogs too but not at the same time, to prevent this sort of thing from happening. Why not suggest this to your town, so smaller dogs can be protected from this horror happening again. If I were you, I would be at City Hall, tomorrow, and making a complaint, then a suggestion for times for big and small dogs to enjoy the parks set aside for our loved fur ones. I have a big Doberman, and would never allow him to run free in a park with small dogs.. Heck, he cant run free in my home with my zenji puppy he would kill her..I am a very responsible owner, and accidents happen to all of us, but you have the right to enjoy the parks with your babies…without fear of being attacked. If the dog had bitten you, the owner could be sued and fined, and God knows you would win. Not sure how the law works there, but here, she is liable for your vet costs as well. I hope you get her big time, and the umbrella thing, is a great idea but a long riding crop is smart, too.Your poor little zenji is probably traumatized now, and just give her lots of love and huggs and keep her warm .. Give her kisses from Zaharah and Dale.. they send you all their love too. Janice
Miss ZaharahThanks we are very excited opur new custom made lead came this week kangaroo with beads colors to match Z perfectly
Miss Zaharahhi everyone, Zaharah has finally received her new registered name it is: Mata Hauri's Sweet Dreams…She will begfin showing in late Aoril, or when she becomes leash broken to my surprise
Someone give me suggestions, pleaseI have bred dobies for over 25 yrs and never had one come in season so quickly. I really cant see any swelling in her vulva, but her butt stick out just like a woman with a big booty.. it looks funny, but I guess she is in season.. she is so clean about this, I didnt think it woulod come so soon.. Oh, I am in for some havoc in my house..Trueman is not neutered, and he is bad with girls in heat..time to put him in the kennel poor guy..
Someone give me suggestions, pleaseShe is on Iams puppy food, with a spoonful of canned mixed in, and I have her dieting, but she seems to still be chubby Her butt sticks out, I realize she is African, but the butt thing?? I have a sneaky suspicion, she is coming into heat.. Hey, she is only 5 1/2 mos old and thought they only come into season once a year, in the fall.. She looks very puffy the last 2 days..I am closely watching her maybe that is the attention thing all along
Someone give me suggestions, pleaseThanks I think she is just sniffing at things on the floor since this is really her first several experiences outside the home, she is curious, not being stubborn. I am getting frustrated with this, as I have been showing dobies since the 70's and they beghave like robots and are so animated I realize whe is a baby, but will try to focus on the attentio9n thing starting tonite.. I thank you for the reply. Janice
Someone give me suggestions, pleaseZaharah is almost 6 mos old, and I just cant get her to walk properly on leash. I have tried a martingale lead, a regular nylon choke, and a resco style lead.. NOPE she wont walk with out her nose to the floor. I tried a squeaky, food, and just fun, but in a handling class, forget it! In the park, or on a flexi, she is fine. HELP!!! How can I keep from getting frustrated, and keep this fun, so shw wont get sour on me?? Is there someone here in Conn who can work with me?? I want to begin showing her, and she is great on the table, but on the floor, a disaster…Jan
Youtube videoThank you everyone for the encouragement and advice. I want to make showing this puppy fun, for both of us and not stressful, at all these people are way too serious.. shw was wiggeling because she had to poop, and so she did it in the class I handed her off to a spectator, laughed and wiped up the mess, and went on with the class.. she was much better behaved heck!! she had to go and you know the opld saying if you have to go then go!! I am going to take Zaharah to the park, as soon as the snow is gone, and the weather gets better.. we can have such fun there.. I am not going to push her, we are not a serious breed,and as long as there are people who are as kind and sweet as everyone here has been, I will survive the antics, and laugh along with you and me.. Thanks again for your great support..God, Doberman people are not like you all none of them.. thank goodness I changed breeds.. I think I am in for some fun…
Youtube videoI was watching Basenjis on youtube there are some cute videos and some show ones there. One, had a dog named Kamu, who went best of breed, and he was lovely, but the music there was very cool.. does anyone know what music and who did the song?? I really loved it.
Zaharah had her first handling class last night Oh my Gosh!! I was so embarassed at her behavior.. I am so used to showing dobermans who stand like statues, and move perfectly.. wow I am in for hours of hard work lead training this one!!!! Are all Bs, so stubborn??? It was fun, anyway.. must go biweekly for this one I think..Janice:eek: -
Here´s the pics of the pupsOH, such little bundles of joy…. such o good mom, and pretty, too I can almost feel their warm, chubby bodies , ane hear the soft grunts of nursing, along with the little squeals of excitement they make.. Good luck with your babies.. Jan
Busted!:p I have a used furniture dealer who knows me by name,, when I come in to buy new couches!!! How sadistic is this?? But it was mostly from those minpins a B is a pleasure to clean up after, at least They do not open the fridge, and walk on my counter tops grazing to see what crumbs may have been left behind!!And the dirty paw prints on the stove get wiped 4 times a day… my I love that my puppy can be crated and not complain about it..
My daughter came home from her holiday visit, and when the new puppy(Zaharah) saw her, she let out her first and not last, Barooo!! Now, in the am when she sees Ashley(daughter), she lets out the cutiest Baroo..... I just love these Bs, my older one does it when I come home form wherever I have been, and I swear, he is more welcoming than any husband I ever had!! -
Busted!You see, I tolerated the mess and pick up, clean and mop by the micro second, with thee dogs, but with a least they don't poop and pee everywhere(most of the time) So tell me, how high is high enough or fencing, like 10 feet??? are there couches made from stone? paper towels and toilet paper that can't be chewed? Janice
Hello to AllI am so thrilled by everyone being so nice to me.. I have been an obedience judge at match shows since the 80's, and the funniest breeds to watch, always had my compassion and humor, but never saw a Basenji dare I try with Dale? I would love to try lure coursing with him HE actually comes when I call him… all right not Every time but at least 85% of the time.. I feel that Basenjis not only look so sweet, act so funny, move so royally, and love so hard, think on their own, but I could only wish to find a man who was the same....smiles Janice Rivendell Farms
Hello to AllTahnk you for the warm responses to my introduction. My two Basenjis are , Dale a 4 yr old red and white, out of Bud Light King, who I had to neuter due to my male Doberman not accepting another male into the hoousehold, shame, he is georgeous.. I have not named my little bitch, who I got from Debi Hauri, who is brindle and white,, a puppy to die for!!!! I call her Zaharah, but haven't thought of a registered name yet .. I will post pictures as soon as I get some taken..
watch for her in early April on the East Coast.. Janice -
Busted!Your decor resembles my own home, but mine is in the form of several unstuffed couches.. hey, if they didn't unstuff things, they wouldn't be the fun loving rascals we all ove so much Janice