She is doing real well. We have had no more aggression. The two dogs seem to have bonded. I don't know how well Isis will bond with us.
The Girl from Wimauma -
The Girl from WimaumaIsis has made wonderful progress. Honestly, I think she was just backed into a corner when she was snarling after the toy fight. She doesn't know how to back down.
We have been feeding them by hand one on the left and one on the right. We have not had a repeat of any snarling. I can take food away from her.
She and the boy sleep with our 7 year old daughter. We are going to go with the lead.
She had her first outing. She went on a walk in down town Jensen beach. We had lunch at a little Tiki bar, then went to a park on the Indian river and to the beach. No problems whatsoever.
Pam wants to take her back to work on the aggression, bur really it has stopped once we modified our behavior. She is a very sweet dog.
Her and our male have a blast in the back yard.
The Girl from WimaumaHi! Thanks for all the advice. We need all we can get now:-) It took us til midnight to get Isis in the house (with a nice cheese rind)! But we did. She stayed inside at night ever since we got her (a week now). During the day she still prefers to hang outside in the fenced back yard. We bring her in to cool off from time to time.
Unfortunately, we are very far from you guys, about 3,5 hours from Tampa. Getting Isis last Sunday was a whole day ordeal.
Thanks for the advice. I will post the pictures of Isis as soon as I figure out my new phone where the pix are. -
Hi,I have seen versions that substituted chicken or turkey for fish.
The Girl from WimaumaWe adopted a girl puppy (Bibi, now Isis) who was wild for 3 months. She is 9 months old now & is sharing a home with a 19-months old male Basenji. Our male dog is intact and will remain so at the breeder's request for some time.
Our male dog (a "large" 26 pound boy) is dwarfed by this girl. She is also very advanced socially. We were looking for a companion for him. His screams when we left him alone were becoming problematic. We were going to get another girl from a breeder but when we heard about her….
She seemed to be very shy with humans at first. She knows how to behave & straiten out dogs! We love our new addition (5 days together as of now)!
However, we do have some concerns. She started showing her attitude not only to our boy, but to us as well! Recently she started snarling and growling at us as well (over our interference in their conflicts over disputed items) We are talking bite ready snarling.
otherwise they play together well.We are giving her plenty of love & attention.