Thanks everyone for sharing your experience!
Saturday Feb. 14th 2015, we brought home an 8 weeks old puppy: Pix.
Alf who is 2 years old was really great at introducing himself to the puppy.
4 days later, he litteraly is educating Pix, teaching him good manners and snipping him gently from time to time.
I wasn't sure if all the noise was normal, but I for sure know that Alf never really hurts the puppy. He never had any troubles with any dogs, and I think Pix is probably a really good actor :)
Need Advice on Introducing a new Basenji Puppy! -
Bonjour from Montreal!Hello everyone!
I live in Montreal, Canada, and I'm a new basenji owner! Well new dog owner to be precise, since I've never had a dog before. In April I adopted a 2 1/2 year-old basenji, Uma. I'm her third family! But also her forever family now :) I have been enjoying her so much that I'm now looking into adopting a second one (also a teen or adult, to be continued…).
I love working with her on training; when I got Uma, she only knew "sit", and not reliably. Now she masters about 15 simple tricks, and will often, upon seeing a treat, execute all of them in a row without my bidding, haha. When I first got her, I worked on biddability (which we know basenjis don't seem to have), as in prompting her to offer behaviours and then rewarding the ones I liked. She responds very well to this type of training and I'm looking forward to see what we will be able to develop together in our future. Right now I'm researching marking; does anyone know if this type of training works well with older dogs?
I've been stalking this forum for a few months now, and I've found it to be such an awesome resource that I decided to join and hopefully contribute useful information.
Take care! :)
Bonjour, I am in Montreal and new to this forum. My basenji is 1 1/2 years old and his name is Alf.
I know two people who own Basenjis, we all live in St Henri / Griffintown. Would you like to join us at the the god park sometime? We usually to the Louis Cyr park…
I think it would be great for Alf, Whiskey (both 18 months and brothers) and Phoenix (7 months) to meet Uma and maybe share our experiences with these amazing little monsters