I understand now. I visited the site and will order the test tomorrow. Geoff
New Puppy, My little Gracie -
Raw dietPlease tell me about this raw meat diet. I don't know anything about it. Is the meat actually raw? Is it purchased premade in medalions? What is the reason for the raw meat? Thanks, Geoff
New Puppy, My little GracieJust how does one order this cheek swap? At my local vet?
New Puppy, My little GracieCan it be done on the puppy? I don't have access to the parents.
New Puppy, My little GracieWhat is a Fancion test??
New Puppy, My little GracieYes, I should change my forum name to Gracie rules. She is at this moment on my lap trying to put her feet on the key board.:rolleyes: She is a brindle, I got her down by Wichita Kansas. A little town named Harper KS. About an 8 1/2 hr drive from my home. I actually heard her bark today, really surprised me. Usually she has more of a wale. Very high pitched. Couldn't believe such a little dog could make such a loud noise. I am going to post a couple more pictures of her. We have 5 acres fenced, so she can run to her hearts content. Today she was with the big dogs and went way out into a corner of the field she had never been in. I couldn't find her and was starting to roam the area when her she came around the corner running as fast as she could, with her little ears down really hauling. Really cute! She has such beautiful feet, really refined. So next time I post I will change my name to GracieRules. Sorry for the blurry picture with my other dogs. That is my Blue Tick Coon Hound named Blue, the other dog is Bucky a Wiemeraner. She is playing with the big dogs:). The other pictures is her sleeping in the sun on a warm afternoon last week.
New Puppy, My little GracieHi Everbody, I just joined this forum today. I have a new little Basenji. Her name is Gracie. She is 9 weeks old. I am amazed how fast and agile she is. I can hardly keep up. I have been around dogs all my life. Mostly large breeds. I have raise Irish Setters and have also owned Labs, Blue Tick Coon Hounds, and Weimeraners. Puppies in the large breeds are a little slow and clumsy, not this little girl!! Just amazing. I am trying to potty train her, which is a slow process. I too have had 2 times where she peed on the couch. I am trying to teach that it is off limits. She plays for about 1 hour and is ready for a nap. Very energetic, I just love her. :) Although I am 56 years old and she keeps me on my toes!! Anyway time to go, have to check on the little girl.
P.S. She has made a close friendship with my Blue Tick Coon Hound named Blue :-) . I have posted a picture of my wife and myself with Gracie.