I haven't really noticed a pattern. She's done it when I've picked her up on the couch but also when she's playing. I could understand if it was when she's being sleeping! Who likes to be woken up! ha ha Today before I go to pick her up I am trying to do things like "who's a good girl" etc before I pick her up to see if that makes a difference and makes her feel more relaxed not sure if that's the right approach? But so far she hasn't done it again but it's still early! I'm looking up puppy classes in the neighborhood. She goes in for her next set of vaccinations tomorrow so she can be a little more social after tomorrow!
Growly when picked up? -
Growly when picked up?Feena is now almost 12 weeks and she has been doing great! Happy little puppy doing well with the house training actually went three whole days with no accidents! She has been very sweet, cuddly and affectionate along with the normal puppy stuff like being curious and mischievous etc and all the things I expected her to do THEN two days ago she started being snarly and growly and trying to bite when picked up. She did it to my husband when he picked her up and at first I thought it was because it was him and she spends all her time with me (still not acceptable) but then she did it again with me later when I picked her up to take her outside. She continued this again yesterday a couple times but it was only when picked up for some reason. I looked her over and she doesn't seem to have any sores or anything cause that was my first thought. I'm being very firm with her that this is not acceptable and not putting her down just because she's doing this…I don't want her thinking she's the boss! I do have kids as well and she hasn't done it to them..mind you they don't pick her up. Has anyone had any experience with this?
Rainy Day/ Funny StorySo Feena is 11 weeks old and we are house training (potty training) not sure what you call it! ha ha So since we got her she has done quite well only a few accidents in the house. She definitely does NOT like the cold weather but she has done very well. She is my first Basenji and I knew from my research that they tend not like cold and water WELL it rained yesterday and SHE was NOT having it!! I took her outside and she screamed, yodeled and crowed like a banshee and hopped up and down! I thought the neighbors were gonna come out!
The twist/ funny part to this story is that I take a bath every night and since I got her she is always beside me. When I get a bath she actually has run to try to get in the bath. I keep telling her your not gonna like it in here! So last night after the "rain incident" she did it again and I thought okay…fine I'll see what happens so I picked her up and slowly brought her in little by little and she GOT IN with me and was totally calm letting me pour water on her. I suspect it was because I was holding her and because the water was really warm but I called my husband and he couldn't believe it!!!
Now I just gotta work on getting her going to the bathroom outside in the rain!!!! LOL
Feena is 10 weeks old!Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I think she's adorable as well but I might be a tad bit bias! ha ha
Feena is 10 weeks old!Just introducing my little girl who is only 10 weeks old! I"m new here and while I did a lot of research before getting her, still relatively new to this breed! Glad have found this community:) Here are some pictures of her!