im quite aware of how this all seems to add up. I simply do not like feeling attacked at a place where I came for help with my dog. I'm done. Discuss me all you want. I'm off of here.
WI-Eau Claire-1 Yr. Old Brindle Male-On Craigslist -
In need of a little assistanceim sure it will :)
WI-Eau Claire-1 Yr. Old Brindle Male-On CraigslistSo judgemental this group is. I'm simply trying to find him a better home then what I can provide him with.
Who the hell are you to imply anything about my past pets? Ever stop to think that th ey yactually got hit by a car or died of old age? Of course not. Like I said I am not giving this B to anyone that merely wants the dog. He is good with kids. He would rather be attached to my brothers side than at mine. He's like a guard dog almost. -
WI-Eau Claire-1 Yr. Old Brindle Male-On CraigslistDiesel is good with kids now. I figured out what was making him misbehave.
In need of a little assistanceIll Def do that.
In need of a little assistanceI feel so bad but he needs a more experienced owner.
In need of a little assistanceI just don't feel its fair for the dog. Im not simply sellinghim and am not giving him to anybody
In need of a little assistanceAgh, Diesel has now taken on biting(hard) at all times. I can be sitting down doing nothing and he just runs up and clamps down. He's even doing it to our guests now. Heeeelp.
In need of a little assistanceHe just turned a year in May. I'm going to find a nice clicker this upcoming weekend and start on that. =) I will def. search for those posts.
In need of a little assistanceThank you again I will get right on that…after I get a few hours of sleep in. I appreciate all the help. Feel free to give me a message anytime
In need of a little assistanceI'm a little worried about having a child and him being so hyper and possibly hurting the child. Granted I may not be popping out a kid for a year or two but meh. Do you have kids?
In need of a little assistanceYeah, he's a pretty boy. I just love his white markings.
Say… when Wattson gets tired does his tail go limp? I'm not sure if its just my boy or a breed trait. -
In need of a little assistanceThank you, you're a life saver. Can I drive to you and you just train both Diesel and I? Haha. Bed is calling my name and i'm not even 21 yet. (I will be in July)
Also, please excuse my poor typing skills. I've somehow managed to break most of my nails off so the tips are sensitive and its quite interesting to type
In need of a little assistancethey're quite intelligent dogs though. I love him and he is my baby If he wans attention he ignores everyone else and comes straight for me.
As far as the kids go theyre 8 and 11, he will just walk up to them and nip ankles, hands or certain sweatpants that the youngest wears. He also chews on everything but i've read they get bored easily even though he has a billion toys around the house.
If he wants my attention he stares at me and puts his paw on me.
He listens to my fiancee and one of my little brothers when we say'get out of the kitchen' but when i say it he just stares at me like,"Yeah, ok mom,n whatever"
P.S as we speak he is hiding under the blanket from the previous storms and snoring away next to me.
In need of a little assistanceIts not a problem. I think he actually gets jealous of my fiancee(haha) I've read some books but i'm just scared i'm going to do it wrong. I owned two pit mixes before him and just the breeds are so different.
If I Ignore him when he gets nippy he does it harder and more and I cannot have this since there is children in the house. -
In need of a little assistanceHe knows the meaning of no and he gets angry like a child whenever i say no. Would it be possible for him to think I was his mate?
I dont hit him if thats what you're implying, i do agree that positive reinforcement is the best. -
In need of a little assistanceAny solutions to having him staying out of certain areas of the house? I know Basenji's are known to run so having him not leave his yard will be a challenge. Anyone have invinsafence?
In need of a little assistanceThe previous owner did not supply them . I'm a little skeptical. He looks purebred but I could be wrong
Hello from the cheese state of WisconsinEau Claire, WI. His pictures are on my page
In need of a little assistanceWow, thanks for all the input. I myself am in Eau Claire area. He started out nipping my little brothers and now whenever I show dominance he bites me.
I've attempted to do some training away from the house but he is by far the most adhd dog i have ever met. Haha. Diesel wont eat out of my hand for some reason its like hes scared to?
As far as his previous owner it was a guy who had custody of his two grandchildren and was handicapped so i have no idea. He was around a chihuahua and Pomeranian i believe
Totally spaced on what else I was supposed to address. I cannot find a trainer to do one on one around here that isnt a complete wack job or even someone who knows what a basenji is.