He follows thier little female beagle. ( her name is Baby, I feel like stealing that little sweetheart ) When she escapes so does he. They wandered approximately 10 miles away, i know exactly where he lives now. And I was actually taking him to get scanned when a lady called my friend who printed the posters for me, and claimed the dogs. We had put posters on every door on the street that someone had seen the dogs, and the rest on stops and mailboxes. So the posters did all the work and I donated the gas for the ride. He was annoying in the truck but he was so funny and curious, my belly hurt from laughing at him - I couldnt be mad. So thats how it happened - the end!
Update On The Lost Male Basenji -
Update On The Lost Male BasenjiHi Erin again. My thread was labeled help me please so im making a new thread to update all the wonderful people that helped me out. I found the owner of the dog, and took him home yesterday. His name is Bandito and the little girl he belongs to was glad to have him back. So Carlie (8) and Bandito
(1) were reunited! I just wanted to thank everyone for the advice and help. Aside from that I understand everyones love for these dogs. I have fallen in love and was heartbroken to take him home! Though the reunion was more than worth it. Thanks again for everything, I could never say enough about these wonderful companions or the people that love them! Thankyou for helping. -
Help Me Please!!well my lab is on natural balance right now. thats good stuff, i rarely meet a dog that reacts badly with it. great source of protien, so i suppose he could just live off of baileys stash for a bit. ill have to get him some toys mabey make him a few kong-ciclles. today he had to do without. Look for a tat? Like a bite case number? I will take him in for that scan - great idea, thanks!
Help Me Please!!thank you for responding - what kind of food should i pick up for him - last night i fed him just what my lab eats to get by, but ill have to go pick up something more appropriate for him after work. Is there anything that i should get specifically for him?
Help Me Please!!Hi my name is erin and i need anyones help! Here is the thing, I've always been curious about these dogs, but they are very uncommon in my area, so I have never encountered one. Late last night my friend across the pasture calls me and says that she has found and picked up a funny looking whippet. She already has three APBT's she is fostering and cannot take in any more animals, so i tell her ill come by and look at the dog. I get there and I suspect right away that this is indeed a basenji. The funny chirp/bark confirms it for me. He is very well looked after, I believe that he has just escaped and is out on his adventure. But I find it hard to believe that anyone in my area would have a dog like this, so i think he's wandered very far from home. I have looked up rescue/no-kills/adopts in my area. I will be posting flyers in neighborhoods across 3 suburbs (im not kidding) and will be posting "founds" in all newsletters for those neighborhoods - associations permitting. Here is where i need help, my lab knows that he is number one but isn't agressive about that position in any way. This basenji likes the cats, isn't too sure about the horse - but HATES bailey ( my lab/my life ). I like this dog - he is very well mannered, and is becomeing very possesive of me. I am not willing to boot him out to the first taker - I want him to get home where he belongs! HOWEVER I need to know every little thing about these dogs so that I can make his stay as comfortable as possible, and does anyone else have any tips for this dominance, possesive trouble - am i the only one? please respond any and every piece of advice i get will be greatly appreciated!