@ Querus You had a good point and didn't even think to look. He was air shipped and that paper I did find while looking for his linage papers I went back and grabbed it It says Kansas so I was right and it has the breeder information so I can look up his stuff once again so thanks it will have to wait till after next week though.
Untitled31 Jul 2011, 22:00 -
Untitled31 Jul 2011, 20:54Its a mute point the lady clearly wants a fight let her have her way and continue thinking she knows more than everyone else. I refuse to continue this ego feeding she so desires. This all started because someone asked a simple question of where my dog came because of a possibility of it being related to other people's basenjis on the forum and I was honest and said that I received him from a small breeder in Kansas(and I could be wrong there as well cause um yea thinking about it it could be Kentucky I am horrible at remembering geography) and I can't recall the names of the two dogs oh so sorry that as a college student with the mounds of papers at my house I simply can't find it right away nor have the time to do so and yes I know I lack organization(and trust me i tried looking). Secondly it was the second litter(that I was told) of these two also two or three years apart (I can't remember which sorry again) my thought was the likely hood of relations would be slim as well these are not pups that come from champion lines that a majority of people are after so the chances may be even slimmer. That being said I did my end and did my research prior to even first contact then a whole lot more after contact then asked to see documentation of testing and such before purchase and have since dumped most of the information from my brain I can recall somethings but not all. Now could the breeder be a dishonest person sure but given the information I received I have to take it at face value will I test my dog for such diseases of course if nothing but to double check. Hence why I wont give out information on the breeder until I do so because the last thing we all want is this to come out as a puppy mill that dubbed me and someone else to be dubbed as well. But calling me a liar just because I can't recall information that is not necessary for my degree (nor is really all that important to me once said research has been done) yea not even going to bother with a statement on that. Now that I said my part I'm done I have three different computer certifications to study for as I test for them next week and the combined costs of even taking the tests whether I pass or fail(god forbid cause then I would not only have to take the test again but pay for it as well) is more than my tuition yea I have more important things to do than argue with someone on the internet.
Untitled30 Jul 2011, 22:31Delete this Thread
Untitled30 Jul 2011, 18:52Delete this Thread
Untitled30 Jul 2011, 03:39Please Delete Thread
Untitled30 Jul 2011, 00:29Please Delete Thread