Congo is 28lbs when he is at his fittest weight and sometimes gets to 30Lbs. If he gets below 28lbs, the vet says he is too skinny. Congo is definitely one of the bigger basenjis I have seen. He is about 18 inches tall.

Who has the largest basenji? -
The Dog Who Struggled to be GoodI love this article. It is actually about a golden retriever but I think it resonates with all dog owners.
Aoide and Mirtillo: March-JulyWonderful Pics!!
Basenji in The February issue of National GeographicThere is an article about Dogs and mapping human genomes in the National Geographic Magazine for February that has a basenji in it.
Snow + Basenji = ?Congo has Foggy mountain coats for when he is outside and we are hiking or hunting. They have a great waterproof coat. Sometimes I take him skiing with me if we do backcountry stuff. I also have a couple fleece coats for milder weather. I have never done booties with him. When we are at our freezing cold cabin, I have an electric blanket for him by the fire.
Congo saves me from a Mountain LionI am use to Mountain lions around here but usually they keep there distance and most people don't get to see them. I was very surprised because we were not that far from civilization and this one seemed very bold. I was very proud of my dog because usually he wants to chase everything. That is why I get off the beaten path a bit so he can run around on not be on a leash. Congo is my smart pooch!
Fishing on the river with CongoCongo is definitely spoiled but I always try to find places for him to be off leash. Thanks!
Fishing on the river with CongoCongo and I had a great time and because it was just us I didn't get any pics of how he was when I caught fish.
Basenji LoveThat is adorable!
Fearless!Congo loves to peer into drains as well and loves to challenge the vacuum.
Some holiday snapsWhat awesome photos!
Congo saves me from a Mountain LionThanks! Congo got an extra special treat that night! I agree that there are moments of frustration but I could not have asked for a better and more loyal companion than Congo.
Congo saves me from a Mountain LionI went hiking up in the mountains with Congo the other day. We weren't going too far in the mountains so I didn't bring my gun with me. Congo and I were following a game trail and all the sudden he made this weird hissing noise and got his hackles up. I looked around and didn't see or hear anything so I started to keep walking down this trail thinking it must have been a lizard or something.
Congo stepped in front of me and wouldn't let me walk any farther. He then proceeded to make this very scary growly baroo. I took my binoculars out of my pack and started to glass around me and standing on a rock about 450 yards away there was a mountain lion watching us. I just about peed my pants and I looked at Congo and I said, "Good call. Let's get out of here!". We practically ran down to the truck. I am so proud of my little tracker! I would have just walked right up to that lion if Congo didn't warn me. -
Weekend at NeussFabulous Pics!!
What is my Basenji mixed with?Almost looks like a pitbull mix to me. Not sure, you will have to see when she gets a few months older.
Trying to post photosvery nice!
Watson :)What an adorable pic!
Teasing the Neighbor's DogThere is a dog at the dog park that always barks right in Congo's ear incessantly. Congo just ignores him goes about his business. This just baffles the dog.
He thought I wouldn't notice…I couldn't decide if he was full or being thoughtful. I laugh because before hiim I've always had basset hound mixes and they will eat until they explode. He's the only dog I've had that would just steal 2 steaks.
He thought I wouldn't notice…I was cutting up Elk steaks for dinner with my parents one night and left them on the cutting board (I Know better). I left about 8 steaks on the cutting board. I left the kitchen for 1 minute and came back. I looked at the cutting board and I didn't notice at first but something seemed wrong. I started cooking the steaks and noticed that 2 were missing. Congo was sitting on the other side of the kitchen, the very picture of innocence. I came over to him and he had some blood on his nose! That little bugger stole my steaks and thought he could get away with it because he only took two. Way too smart! I couldn't even get mad at him! Too funny!