Hello. Let me introduce my Basenji mix named Binary. When I adopted her from our Humane Society, I had no idea she was part Basenji. In fact, I wasn't sure what a Basenji was. I saw a German Shepherd with an exceptionally pretty face. She was tan with a black German Shepherd-like saddle and weighed about 40 pounds , and my first thought was, "Great! A portable German Shepherd!" (I have gotten to the age where it's hard to lift a big dog.) I grew up on a ranch and have always had herding dogs, because I "get" them. I always thought I was a good dog trainer, but it turns out I just had remarkably trainable dogs. Binary is very smart and always knows exactly what I want, but, well, it's all optional. Finally, in desperation, I had her DNA tested. The result: German Shepherd and Basenji. Second easiest dog to train and second hardest. Once I found out who she was, and learned a bit about Basenjis, I modified my expectations and techniques, and life got a lot easier for both of us. She is loads of fun and has a great sense of humor. Also, I no longer have gophers in my yard. I'm glad to find this forum, because right now I'm basically winging it.
Meet Binary -
Basenji Mix & Tiny DogsBinary, my rescue Basenji mix, loves all people and other dogs, and I even have a picture of her curled up with the cat. (Although the cat insists it's photoshopped.) At the dog park, she will run and romp and roll around with whatever dogs are there. However, she has never been around really tiny dogs in the 3 years I've had her. Two weeks ago I boarded her with a family while I was out of town. Binary attacked the owner's Chihuahua, leaving a wound that required a couple of stitches. Then last weekend at the dog park she attacked a tiny dog, I think a Maltese, weighing about 15 pounds. We rushed the little guy to the urgent care vet who found two wounds, one of which needed a drain. I am baffled. I don't know if she's completely flipped, or if something is wrong with her health. I have an appointment for a health checkup, and I've been keeping her away from other dogs, but I would sure appreciate any insight any members might have. Binary has an extremely high prey drive. I live in the country, and no rodent of any sort will survive long on my property. Given her usually friendly nature, is it possible that she mistook those tiny dogs for rodents? Surely her sense of smell would tell her the difference, wouldn't it?