Goodness, how adorably Great video!
What happens when i try to make my bed.. -
I've been waiting 25+ years for this - they are on the way!Sincere congratualtions to you and your family! Two babies at once will be a real "hoot" for certain, and I am excited to see pics and read all about the "journey" to
Do you see any basenji in me???Pam, Have had Rocky since he was a baby.. Here are a couple of baby pics of him.. he was adorable and full of mischief!
We are new to the group..I certainly appreciate the welcomes, thank you. I have been doing lots of reading, and therefore am learning alot about the breed. This is quite an informative site. You guys have done a great job.
Do you see any basenji in me???Hey Chideb! Haven't seen you in a while. Rocky is beautiful. I think I have a chi/basenji mix, too. He has a lot of the traits but not all of them, so I am not 100% sure.
Hey Pam.. small world, huh?? It is great to see you again, I often think you of and your wonderful pack..I have always admired your dedication to chi rescue. I hope Babushka is doing well, such a sweetheart that little one.
I am basically a "lurker" on our other forum these days, don't post very often. I just couldn't handle all of the acidic comments and egos any It was no longer a site for the wonder of the dogs, but a place where people were constantly trying to "one up" each other. I regret not being able to participate after being there for 4 years, but everyone has to draw their line in the sand at some point.
Blessings, Deb -
Do you see any basenji in me???Thank you all for the sweet comments about our boy.. He is an extremely interesting little Never a dull moment with Rocky around! I have been reading alot on this site, and find he does have many of the characteristics of the basenji breed.. so perhaps that is a part of his heritage.
Do you see any basenji in me???That is what we think he is also.. He is 16 pounds, longer legs than chis, and runs like the
Thank you, we think he is an adorable little boy. -
New memberI am new to the site as well, brand new in fact, but I wanted to welcome you and your furkids. I look forward to learning so much from those of you who share your lives and homes with these awesome dogs.
Hi basenjipeople…Your girls are stunning.. such beautiful pics you posted.
New members Leeloo and RubyI love the pic of the "family.." Leeloo and Ruby are both adorable. I am brand new to the site myself and hope to learn alot about these wonderful creatures.. Welcome to you and the furkids. Deb
Do you see any basenji in me???My name is Rocky and I was two years old on Oct. 9, 2011. I am spoiled rotten, extremely stubborn, but highly intelligent. I do not follow commands well at all unless it was something I wanted to do anyway. The one thing I do on command is "Smile" cause it just seems to make my mom so very happy to see my "pearly whites!" Gotta give her some joy in her life, huh?? Also, I do not do baths!!
We are new to the group..I am Deb, just registered tonight, and I am looking forward to receiving alot of educational information about Basenjis. I think the very best way to learn about any breed is to talk with and listen to the people who share their lives and homes with them on a daily basis. We have owned chihuahuas and pugs for the past 20 years, but have 3 mixed breed rescue family members as well. Raven has been with us since her mistress passed away and Rocky is her son. We think they are mixed with some basenji. She is spayed and he is neutered, Raven is 3 and Rocky is 2. There is only one basenji breeder in the state where we live and I sent her information and pics when Raven first came to live with us. While only a DNA test will conclusively tell us what Raven and Rocky are made up I still would like to learn about your wonderful basenjis.