OMG found something that worked!!! Our dog was growling once again like crazy over this golden at the park. So we thought it was the leash because he's fine with other dogs off the leash but he was still going crazy over this poor dog. The dog owner was sooo nice! What we did was pick up our dog brought him close as we squatted down as he watched us pet the other dog (we remained completely calm) and said nice doggie as we pet the other dog. Let our dog smell our hands. We did this for about 2 minutes. After that, they played AMAZING and ran around for about 1/2 hour absolutely no problems and having so much fun together. They chased each other back and forth completely calm and playful. We were so happy you have no idea!!! The other pet owner was ecstatic their golden got such a great run in too. Not many dogs that run like that. Hopefully others can try it! Will try this with another dog he was growling at.
Recent Growling at Dogs During Walk -
Recent Growling at Dogs During WalkWe figured out the same thing. When off the leash he's 100% good.