Alrighty thank you :) she seems to be getting a tab bit better today, she'll stay for the most part when I tell her to. But yeah. The cat decided she was going to walk into the room earlier. And I was petting her, once the pup noticed her I pet her also, that didn't last too long…. she went after the cat and got her. Upset me, but she has to learn. Was reading online that I could put her in a crate (if we buy one) and let the cat walk around. And if she starts to get aggressive or bark then put a blanket over it. Or put her on her leash and only let her go so far when the cat is in the room. Pups gonna be in the room with us tonight and we're going to let the cat roam the rest of the house tonight.
Just adopted a basenji -
Just adopted a basenjiMy husband and I just adopted our first dog yesterday. Basenji mix. Just turned 1 a few days ago. She's cute as heck. She sleeps a lot, loves car rides. One thing that is kind of annoying about her is that she's pretty much glued to my hip. I can't even go to the bathroom without a follower. She's worse than my cat and I thought that was bad lol. But will she grow out of it or is it going to be something she is going to do for quite some time?
Also was wondering if anyone had any advice on how I can get my cat to get used to her. We let Blurr (puppy) get a feel for the apartment when we brought her home yesterday before we introduced her and our 2 year old kitty (sheik) and sheik went on a growling fit with couple hisses here and there. Blurr doesn't seem to mind her much, seems a tad bit scared. But she's not aggressive towards the cat and doesn't act like she wants to chase her or anything. But since we brought her home the cat has been hiding in the bathroom, and if she does wander out she won't notice Blurr at first. Then when she does, they'll just stare or she will run back to the bathroom. Sheik is my little baby and I'm starting to feel bad now, especially seeing as my pillow is her favorite spot to sleep these days. And now there's a puppy on the bed. So if anyone has any advice on what I can do I'd appreciate it lots :) I feel like they will get along and warm up to eachother, just may take awhile….