After a while of dreaming to be guestparents for doggies and doing a lot of research for this, our first guest dog arrived today!
E.T. is a 11month old German shorthaired Pointer, she will join us for max. three months.
She is rescued (by her current owner) when she was a puppie, more dead than alive.
Her current owner is traveling over the world to work for animal welfare and agains animal cruelty.
E.T. crossed his path and he could not leave her there, so he took her with him and rescued her.
The only visible memory is her front paw, she can't straigten it and it's just "weird" they did a lot with this paw but it won't get better as it is now. She does not mind it at all and it doesn't hurt her.
She is looking for a new home but I know she will make a family very happy as she is a great girl.
Our pack loves her, we love her very much too after a half day! It's great to see the happiness in her eyes when she is playing with our doggies or when we hug her… such a great feeling to be helpfull for such a special lady.
Her current owner (the man who rescued her) brought her here this morning, and had his other dog with him (german shepard mix) "Foxy" also such a cute girl :)
Here are the pictures of today!
Some are nog as sharp as normal but too cute not to share
The girls on the bed :)

Enya and Fox

Buana and Fox

Again Enya and Fox, Chaffie just walked away

Ryan and E.T.


Ryan is playing along too



The girls against the man!

Playing outside!

Hunt the african!

Enya :D


E.T. just put her head agains Ryan… so sweet

Enya :)

Buana, lazyboy

Enya is being followed

Lady's looking over the harbor




Enya , crazy Enya

They are waiting for Enya

Basenji males eating basenji girl? hahaha

Just because it's funny, Ryan was baking sand cookies… and they did not taste good...