thanks for all the quick reply's! i will post more pictures when i get on my home computer.
Hello from Pennsylavania! -
Hello from Pennsylavania!So i am new to all this but i love my dog Harley and i love talking about him since he's so amusing. We bought him from a puppy store,and the clerk told us he was a shiba inu mix. Well me and my fiance have been curious since then to find out that other part of him. I have done my research and have browsed millions of pictures and articles and have come to find there is a huge chance he is infact a basenji. I have posted a picture of him to get some feedback from actual basenji owners to see if he has similar aspects. From playing on his back,to eating the most unuasual things,oh and the yodeling as loud as he possibly can he is a great dog. Thanks for any input, it is much appriciated!