Hello everyone! My name is Annette and my puppy is Bridget.
Bridget is a basenji mix and is about 4 1/2 months old. Oddly, when we got her there was no mention of basenji in her lineage - but there was something about her, to me, that seemed basenji-like. After scouring online sources I am more convinced than ever that her looks, yes, but more specifically her kind of strange (it seemed to me at first) behaviors point to basenji. I am so delighted - she is absolutely the most fascinating dog I have ever had the pleasure of being owned by. The more I find out about her the more I appreciate her.
I am finding, to my puzzlement, that many people either don't like basenjis or seem to wish they did not exist. Have any of you found this to be true? When I have taken her to the vet for her shots the vet and her staff extremely quickly try to squash the idea of her basenji-ness. ("No, no, she must be corgi with those ears!" "Her crazy racing around? It must be an aggression issue." Or when I mention her cat-like behavior I am met with just a silent blank stare.) Since I am very new to the basenji life I am wondering if any of you have noticed similar reactions to your dogs. (Please tell me I'm not crazy.)
Anyway, I am so happy to be here, and am looking forward to finding out more about all your dogs - and by extension Bridget. And I feel extremely lucky to have found this forum!
Annette and Bridget