Gipper's last weigh in, which was a few months ago, was at a rock-solid 32 pounds! He's not fat, though. He still has a well defined waist, as well as ribs that can be felt when he's standing still, and gets plenty of exercise. I'll try to get some recent pics up soon- he looks as if he's a body-building Basenji! He's really muscular, and I think he's closer to 18-20 ins. at the shoulder, rather than the typical 15-17. He's a big boy, for sure.

What is the best weight for my Basenji? -
Does your Basenji go umph?Gipper snores louder than should be possible! He makes the funniest noises, too- go watch "Blues Clues" and that's exactly how he sounds, intonation and all!
Please help me with my out of control BasenjiGipper sometimes get a little agressive, but nothing more than a growl or a nip. It ususally comes when he gets woken up from a nap outside of his crate and someone other than myself tries to put him up. When he's already awake, he's fine. Also, I've noticed that he is virtually perfect when it's just me and him, or him and my roomie- basically when it's him and one other person, he's the most mellow, relaxed little gentelman you'd ever meet. But when two people are there… it takes about a half hour for him to calm down and quit jumping and wanting to rough-house. I try to wrestle with him for about five or ten minutes a day, to let him have some play time, all the while pinning him, letting him know that I am still the "Alpha Male" and always will be. It seems to work really well, because he's getting better and better as each day passes.
What does your Basenji do when he needs to go out?Gipper usually comes to find me and then walks away, and if I don't follow him, he comes back. However, I usually take him immediately when he wakes up from a nap or sleeping through the night, and after he eats. But, he can hold it for a mighty long time. I'm glad of that. I was beginning to wonder if he would ever stop peeing in his crate.
Cast iron stomach?Gipper is definitely one of the ones with an iron stomach. He likes to chew the the old shirts, towels, and beds that I give him to sleep on. I don't know why any animal would want to tear up their own bed, but he does. He throws up some, but usually he passes everything. Most of the shirts and towles I use in his kennel have holes in them where he's chewed a piece out of it and eaten it.
Win one for the GipperThat's what I was thinking, and now that I have some confirmation from a breeder, it's just a matter of getting him fixed. Thank you for the honesty. I definitely admire this breed, for their many great qualities as well as their quirks, and I want to preserve that.
Win one for the GipperI bought Gip from a pet store, and he had just arrived the day before I bought him. The owner of the store has contacted the breeder, and hopefully the breeder will contact me and answer my questions. I can't register him with the AKC without his parents being registered. That's the only reason I haven't tried yet- because I don't know if his parents are registered. Hopefully, they will be and I can go ahead with registration. I'm interested in breeding him, yes, but only after he's grown up some. I don't want to get him fixed, but if I can't register him with the AKC, my chances of breeding him are greatly reduced, and going ahead with the operation in the near future might be the best thing for both me and him. Also, I would never even think of breeding him without making sure he had a clean bill of health. Any suggestions? Realistically, what are my chances of breeding him? I appreciate all the help!!
Win one for the GipperHere are some pics of Gipper. The first is the most recent, at ten months. He's now eleven months old and a solid 25 lbs. of muscle. I hope to breed him, so if you're interested, let me know!!! I'm in the process of registering him with the CKC.
Andrew from GAHey everyone, I just joined the Basenji Forums site. I am from Milledgeville, GA, and have an 11 month old male Basenji named Gipper. He's still entact because I was hoping to breed him. I am in the process of registering him with the CKC, and I wouldn't mind traveling if anyone is interested. I'll post some pictures of him. He's a great dog, but a typical stubborn Basenji. But, he knows I'm the alpha, and he's getting better by the day. He's also super friendly, and I'm trying to train him to not jump on people when they come in the door. Feel free to respond back…