Hi there everyone,
I'm Kimberly from CA
My 7 week old puppy his name is Rocky and he is such a good pup he sleeps thru the night now thank god LOL He is getting there with the potty training but still having some accidents, he is in a crate at night and he tends to fall asleep on my shoulder or under my neck and then I put him to bed in his crate and he goes right to sleep, what I do is when he goes potty I tell him good boy and he gets a treat for going potty and so far its been working… he is a smart little guy I got him at 5wks and he never wined in his crate or anything, when I throw him a ball he goes after it and brings it back to me already lol he is not afraid of other people he likes going for a ride in the car.... I am so lucky to have such a good puppy.....
i also have a puppy but he is too young. Nature of my yorkshire is really so good and charming personality as well. You will love to meet again and again. What a classic scene it would be when he used to sleep on your shoulder :-) lol i wish i could have this scene